If you can only see demo servers, then that means you have the 'DEMO' tab/button selected at the top when you goto get server lists. Try selecting the 'S2' tab/button before getting the server list. Other than that the other guys are probably right about the patch.
Keeping scottish logos is a good idea too. The ones you already have are pretty cool.
A few others to add would be:
Famous Grouse (+any other scots booze)
RBS (you already have but is a good one)
There is already another Irn-Bru skin going about which is made by my brother, if you want to see it ill maybe post it later. I think the flag one is best though.
I am pretty sure that UDP packets arent being blocked in my case, but is there anyway to check this? I am sure TCP/UDP packets are enabled for when I host a server, but I do not usually use a seperate rule for normal LFS.
A crap connection is still the #1 cause due to the results I get from Ping Plotter, but ill check out the firewall for UDP allowances anyway.
Yeah, I sort of knew it would create more traffic, but I was unsure as to how much more.
Another reason I ask is that games like Doom3 still run perfectly online for me. Is that becuase it relies soley on TCP packets? Surely LFS isnt that much more of a bandwidth hog?
LFS doesnt allow you to turn anything 'OFF'. It is a simulator The only things that can be turned ON/OFF are graphical/sound features etc etc. So if damage were to be implemented fully, fair enough the visual aspect may be tunable, but the physical effects would not be.