I haven't read all of the other suggestions, but what I find annoying is that when you press 'N' you only see the driver name and not the account name. It would be usefull for admin purposes if the Names list came up with account names as default, so that you dont have to search for 'Ctrl-Shift' or whatever it is to show account names. This way, when you wish to ban, all you to is click the persons name and add a '/ban' before it and number of hours/days after it. This would obviously be a quick work around.
However, as someone suggested above, a full Admin panel with bells and whistles would be the best option, i.e. instead of pressing 'N' to see names, you press 'A' to see account names and carry out any other admin task.
As always, I think this is probably one of the features the devs might have planned anyway as they list of commands atm is pretty high already. With all the extra features that will be added in time, a menu system is surely the best option.