I couldn't agree more about the feeling of the Viscous diff.
I usually get taunted by team mates or called a noob for using it(!), but it feels far better than any other differential IMO.
Yes it isn't as fast, but as was said above, I would rather enjoy and be consistent in my driving than be continually fighting an unpredictable or snappy setup.
What setting do you usually use for Viscous? In my experience I usually have it set to 17-20Nm (the maximum). Do these values stand up in reality? The reason I ask is because I use the viscous diff on many of the smaller & lighter cars, i.e. LX4, XRG and XRT. However, I often feel that the maximum stiffness offered by 20Nm is not enough for the larger cars, i.e. FZ5 and LX6. Would it be more realistic for the Viscous Diff to go all the way up to 30Nm or higher for instance?
You just picked a bad time to buy from Savastore im afraid.
I have used them numerous times in the past without ANY problems. They also consistantly had the best price I could find and had a good order tracking system.
I hope they get things sorted out, but it looks like you go the sticky end of the stick I find Ebuyer as the next best alternative IMO. I usually pick between the two, but it looks as though Savastore are out of the question for now.
However, I have been getting my PC 'just as I want it' so that has cost some cash, but I would have spent that anyway. I save money on not buying many other games. I only buy the big titles like Doom3 & Half-Life 2...which shows how long it is since I bought a game. I got Prey...but that doesn't count
I was all for using Open Office full time and ditching MS Word. However, I still needed the word format for compatibility reasons, i.e. to send it to others.
However, Open Office couldn't format .doc files correctly, either that or it plain old couldnt use them. I forget exactly, suffice to say that I had annoying compatibility and formatting problems when I either tried to send or recieve documents to other people.
Just a heads up. Otherwise it is a great package. Unfortunately I resorted to Word in the end to stop needless faffing about. Ive never had any bother with that bloody paperclip/dog anyway. Turned it all off ASAP.
I couldnt recommed Project Gotham 2 more thoroughly. I have had many a good hour spent playing the single player, but even more spent playing split screen and system linked with my brothers Xbox.
It is kind of semi-sim, but you won't find yourself spinning out or loosing control.
I played Forza on the Xbox too and found it to be pretty good. It was really as close as you can get to sim racing on a console IMO. However I did find it really tricky with the standard Xbox controllers as you have very little analogue travel on the triggers as your accellerator and brake. I'm sure more practice will make them better, but for the time I spend on the demo I had to resort to ABS as there was no feel etc etc. Still a very good and challenging racer (mostly because of controller in my case but it isn't a big turn off).
me neither! Its just nicer to have something other than the bog standard black/white. And I can see Black being the overwhelming colour of choice....this being a forum for black wearing Neo look-a-like geeks right?
What is the difference to a Baseball shirt as opposed to a T-Shirt?
They look the same to me and I like the coloured sleeves on the Baseball shirt.
Also, I hope the supplier is European based.....I got a polo-shirt from work which had been supplied from America, it was nearly as wide as it was tall