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S3 licensed
Unlocked the motorbikes eariler..they're pretty fun, if not a bit strange to use on a wheel. Liking the Ducati 999R.

Like the classic cars as well, you can slide them about nicely, and they're nicer to drive than more firmly sprung cars on the hilly roads.
S3 licensed
By 100% better, do you mean they say you can now corner at 300mph instead of the more usual 150mph?
S3 licensed
I don't get any drops below 30..have it plotted on my G15 screen and it maintains an average 36-38fps, with 30-35fps drops when loading new areas and entering build up parts.

[RCG]Boosted, I'd go ahead and overclock it. Athlons are pretty good, my old 2000 had no trouble reaching the same clockspeed as a 2600, once you bumped the voltage up a little bit. My 3400 I O/C 200mhz, which is about 3700 speeds I think, not seen it go over 45C.
S3 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :On my P4 3GHz 1gb ram with Nvidia 6200 256mb card on only 800x600/medium its not wonderful, cant wait to get a faster processor soon and abit more ram with a 512 GFX card - Wanna get a G25 too

Your proc shouldn't be that bad, just get a half decent video card. I can run 30-40fps on my Athlon 3400, 1GB Ram, NV 7600GT, at 1280x1024. If I drop down to 1024x768 it goes to over 50fps, but its not my lcd's native res so looks shit.
S3 licensed
Obviously, its because the "sporty" red look on the wheel
S3 licensed
Your always full of positive things to say aren't you

Note also how the version number is the same as the last beta IIRC?
S3 licensed
Emergency brake/Parking brake, that acts only on the rear wheels.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :<Snip>

Nice list..bit suprised to see there's extra fps to be gained, LFS already runs 2x the framerate most other sims do. Nice work.
S3 licensed
Quote from Davo :
Finally got my shifter working with TDU, just started working for some reason even though didn't change a thing. This game is buggy though. 1 out of 5 time when I start it up the graphics are garbage, all I get is a see through car with tyres and springs and things flashing everywhere.

I get the same thing with the corrupted graphics once in a while. Just alt-tab in and out the game a couple of times till its normal. Another bug thats not been fixed since the beta, but its nowhere near as bad as it used to be

Kinda wondering what the point was in the 2 beta tests. They didn't seem to have a fixed a great deal, frustrating because its otherwise a brilliant game IMO. Least the online works a lot better now compared to the beta - I end up driving with other people from the UK most the time, so theres a lot less lag.

Quick tip btw, took me ages to figure it out. If you want to see a list of all the online race events that have people in, just goto any one, goto Custom Match, Online Prefs, and tick the Show World Races or whatever its called, the top option. Much easier to find races to join.
S3 licensed
Indeed, I quite like my one of them. Not yet found the US tuning shop though.

Don't like how a lot of the supercars have forced sequential gearboxes, and even the Golf does. An override would be nice.
S3 licensed
Pretty much all your points apply to Talk Talk's service as well, didn't work all afternoon, constantly drops and times out - sometimes for hours like today, the support's not even worth phoning, complete rubbish. Tried with both the supplied router and a new Netgear one, same dropouts and the like. And the best bit is..when it works, I'm lucky to see 1mbit, even though it "should" be a minimum of 2mbit.

Can anyone recommend a good (cheap) ISP? Would like to change but the only other ISP i've been with is BT.
S3 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Oh, that bug was in beta already, so they did not fixed even that for release

Oh yes, fix to that sound problem is to decrease sound acceleration level from dxdiag, can't remember if one or two clicks was needed.

Brilliant, thanks for that, sounds working correctly now, had to bring it down 2 notches.

Did report it as a bug way back in the closed beta, seems they didn't really fix much in the last couple of months.
S3 licensed
I have a bug I don't think I've seen anyone else mention..I only get engine & radio sound out the left speaker. Ambient noise comes out the right as well, but nothing else does. Not a big problem becuase everythings just crammed onto my desk at the min anyway, but still annoying.

This is by far the best arcade racing game i've played in years, there isn't any single part that lets it down (except perhaps the number of bugs..but I've not encountered any serious ones). There's even a couple of things LFS could learn from this game.

Anyone started an LFS-TDU Club yet? Not yet come across anyone I know.
S3 licensed
My familys old house (3 bed semi, typical size, in a nice part of the city) sold for £165K last year. Seems to be about average for the size property here.
S3 licensed ? 0-60mph in 3.07...faster than the petrol version up to 100mph?
S3 licensed
When your in your "House", I think its the Awards screen where you can check how many points you've earned and what objectives you need to complete to move up to the next ranking. There's obvious things like complete x amount of races, and get gold on x amount, and also ones for the amount of property you own, online events competed in, car-collector ones, etc.
S3 licensed
The manual override on the auto box in my C4 has pull back for upshift, push up = downshift, same as the default on Logitech's sequential shifters.
S3 licensed
My shifter broke, whole shabang was replaced under warranty, only had to return the plugs off the old unit. Very good warranty policy IMO, although I was told they've since changed it now?

If you got a 2nd hand one, the warranty will still be valid, assuming its not been claimed against by the previous owner.

Anyone know how long the warranty is in the UK? I know the DFP had a 2yr warranty, which was nice.
S3 licensed
This'll be a long list..



Gameboy Colour

PS1 (for about 2 weeks, decided it was crap and went back to the N64)


Xbox (happens to be able to emulate all the above systems except the PS2, makes a damn good media center as well once you fit a big HD)

Really wish I still had my old NES, parted with it and loads of games, lightguns, cheat thing etc for about a tenner a few years back. Now I see one with 2 games and 2 controllers for ~£40 in Gamestation last week.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :The low-res nature of the roads, read sharp and bumpy, is a real downer on what would be an otherwise quite fun game

Er, low-res? As I recall from the beta, the graphics were very impressive, once you applied 4xAF.

EDIT: Do you mean the low-poly road mapping? That was easily the biggest complaint everyone had during beta testing, but would be a lot of work for them to sort

somasleep, the physics are "good enough" to not have that floating feeling and totally unrealistic speeds games like NFS have. I quite like them, till you oversteer anyway, all goes to hell at that point.

What with having proper cars/dashboards and being able to do stuff like play with the windows, traction control, stereo etc, and AI traffic that does more than 3mph, its quite a nice city enviroment if thats what your after.

My copy from Gameseek should be here tomorrow
S3 licensed
WTCC:Race doesn't work well with split axis, you loose the first half of the throttle pedal travel, making it more sensitive than it should be. This is the case on my G25 anyway.

Even most NFS games support split axis..thats saying something. This isn't 1997 anymore Logitech
S3 licensed
Racing incidents happen, perhaps someone broke a couple ft early or thought they could carry more speed than they could and went wide through a turn, or locked a tyre etc. All of this is fair enough, and normally followed by an apology and if a position was gained then its given back. If its happening on purpose or with some sort of intent, thats different, and what mods are for

March Hare, welcome to S2
S3 licensed
For everything but single seaters, I've been driving without autoclutch, and with use of a H shifter for over a year now. Initally I was slower, but since then I've probably beat all my pb's, and am more competitive than I was before. Although I no longer flat shift, feels very unnatural with a proper clutch pedal, although if you don't then your at a small speed disadvantage down the straights.
S3 licensed
Sounds like they made a right hash up of the online release..shame, should have used Steam or something, least it works.

Just ordered from Gameseek..can anyone comment on the performance/stuttering, compared to the betas? They ran an acceptable 30-40fps for me (A64 3400, 7600GT, 1GB) so I can't complain, wondering if any more tweaking was done before it went gold. Online play rarely worked as it should for the betas, hopefully this is better now?
S3 licensed
Very nice pics. Don't suppose you have any in a higher res?