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S2 licensed
I have to say hats off to the LFS devs for staying firm and keeping it as a project of enjoyment and passion. They probably could have rapidly expanded the team, developed the game faster and potentially become an iRacing of sorts and made lots of money - but I gather that's not what they wanted for LFS.

I recently got back into a bit of sim racing with iRacing and Assetto Corsa. The first thing that came to mind is how well refined LFS is - everything just seems a lot more considered than the current popular titles. Then the online side of it, in LFS I used to get 6-10 races done in an evening. In iRacing I'll be lucky to manage 2 or 3 (ands sods law someone takes you out in 1 so you've to wait 2 hours to get another race). No one seems to have replicated the pick-up racing that LFS had back in the hay day - which I miss.

Then the cost, the amount of hours I've had out of my £24 is ludicrous. I've already spent more money on Assetto and iRacing with a lot less in return. I keep my eyes peeled in hope of an LFS resurgence but I'm certainly not owed anything!
S2 licensed
Looking great, pleased to see progress still being made on a game that I spent many hours on! Going to have to dust of the wheel and fire it up for a blast.
S2 licensed
Yeah cheers didn't notice that. Unfortunately not much luck on teamspeak via chat as I have no mic :/
S2 licensed
Don't have teamspeak unfortunately.
S2 licensed
Just went on to try join and server is already password protected?
S2 licensed

Before and after of an RS125 I bought as a non-runner (as pictured) with the engine and basically everything required to get it going. Been a nice little project cleaning it, figuring out the wiring and building it back up. Just to fit working indicators and it's ready for an MOT Look forward to getting it out on the road properly this summer!
S2 licensed
Sounds interesting. Will keep my eyes peeled if I can make it!
S2 licensed
Thanks guys, as I feared not much hope! SATA isn't a problem so DVD drive and hard drive are salvageable but that appears it. Quick look and my PSU has a 4pin plug.
S2 licensed
Seeing all the videos and the glowing comments I've decided to see if I can get my computer up to spec so I can at least give it a bash! Can't really justify spending a fortune on it just now so hoping upgrading is a possibility to get me going with a playable frame rate.

Intel Dual E2180 @ 2ghz
2GB ram

Obviously I need to update the graphics card. Is that enough?
S2 licensed
Part of the problem is that once the cars are into qualifying they are in parc ferme conditions. Teams cannot make substantial set-up changes to the car, so if the weather is for a dry race they are not going to set it up for wet conditions.
S2 licensed
Not at all Dawesdust, thanks for the information .

Was trying to be clever and have one file which contains my page styling for admin page and then use select to call in the required admin page. Going to restructure to solve this problem!
S2 licensed
Problem answered, I think!

The issue would be that the function is being called from within 'add.php.' By the time php get round to parsing it the header is already sent. Bit of a dumb moment I think.
PHP header already sent
S2 licensed
Not really LFS related but I'm sure someone here can point me in the right direction! Have done a few google searches but can't find anything similar to my particular problem.

Error Message

Cannot modify header information headers already sent by (output started at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/DOPNEW/admin/index.php:45in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/DOPNEW/admin/index.php on line 3

What is throwing me with the error message is the fact that the offending code is line 45 but the header statement is line 3. Line 45 is where the next <?php opening tag is, the section with the 'switch' statements. I'd understand the problem if I had something before I called the header statement . The function test is being called from within the included 'add.php.'

Also forgot to mention that the function is called on a 'post' submit.

function test(){
header("Location: index.php");

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
html xmlns="">
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
title>Untitled Document</title>

div id="header">
div id="headerLogo"><img src="../web/dop-logo-admin.png" alt="dop logo" /></div>
div id="headerSearch">
form action="#" method="post">
input type="text" name="headSearch" value="test" />
select name="searchPlace">
option>Test 2</option>
div id="headerInfo"></div>
div id="container">
div id="leftNav">
li><a href="#" title="products admin">Products</a></li>
li><a href="#" title="products admin">Stock</a></li>
li><a href="#" title="suppliers admin">Suppliers</a></li>
li><a href="#" title="categories admin">Categories</a></li>
li><a href="#" title="customers admin">Customers</a></li>
li><a href="#" title="settings">Settings</a></li>

div id="rightContent">
$action $_GET['action'];
div id="footer">Test</div>

S2 licensed
My MK4 was giving me turbo issues and I traced it to the intercooler. Under accelerating you'd get a loud 'whooosssh' noise as the turbo started spooling up and when you let off throttle slightly the turbo would die suddenly. The car didn't drive smoothly at all and eventually started putting out black smoke.

First thing I did was fill a spray bottle with soapy water and sprayed that on the intercooler hoses and joins looking for any leaks whilst someone gently revved engine. I then stuck my hand in the OS vent on the bumper and could feel air. Popped the front bumper off and there was my leak. Bought a new intercooler, swapped them over and never had any problems since.

When I was googling I found lots of information about burst hoses etc so I'd try that first. Noises can be deceiving and one mans metal tinkering is anothers air leak. My Dad used to have his own garage and kind of thought my turbo sounded like metal gently scrapping but it was just air from the intercooler in the end.
S2 licensed
Who says woman drivers are safer

20 year old female driver!!
S2 licensed ... =mfu_in_order&list=UL

Maybe its just me but does it not look like from the onboard video of mrfell that the wheels are moving as if they have suspension? Watch closely to the front wheel, it seems to move up & down, whilst the stub stays as it should.

Haven't tried this yet, too much uni work due for next week to risk getting hooked!!
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Uhhuh.

Is that it?! Maybe another couple feet and you'll finally see the need for winter tyres....
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :well if u have to brake hard ull realize why its a bad idea, since ur back is gonna overtake u

How? Very little braking bias goes to the rear of your average road car. I often brake hard to try get a feel for the grip, the fronts always lock well before the rear.

The only "issue" I have running around with snow tyres on the front is at speed if I turn hard going through junctions or roundabouts I get a wee bit of a drift on. But usually forced by myself on deserted roads. However at traffic speeds it's more than fine, traffic is going at no more than 40mph.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :You can simply run your tyre pressures a little lower which wouldn't affect safety especially if you're only driving at about 30-40mph.

And I agree with Crashgate, it's nowhere near cold enough to make winter tyres necessary.

Well you obviously don't live in apart of the UK that gets badly affected by snow... Even the main roads out my way are bad enough, yet alone the country roads that I have to use. There are loads of cars here stuck and abandoned. My Mum's car has decent tyres on it, two brand new fronts just over a month ago and it's firmly stuck in the snow in our drive. Yet in the same snow I'm managing to get about with winter tyres. Also considering we're getting temps down as low as -12c I think that alone justifies winter tyres.
Last edited by keiran, .
S2 licensed
Was -9 when I woke up this morning!! The icicles on my car are getting more and longer every journey I take. Glad I invested in a couple snow tyres on the front otherwise I'd be housebound on my 18 225/40s!!

Not the worst snow we've ever had but usually it doesn't get anywhere near like this till January!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Grab a garden rake, or something similar (chicken wire works) and walk down the route you drive to turn around. Unless you drove like a loon then it won't be far from the tyre imprints. Failing that, a lot of locking nuts can be removed with the key to the city (a screw driver and a hammer).

Yea I gave the the garden rake a bash but just couldn't see it but it was dark and snowing pretty heavy. Gonna have another look in the morning, you can get replacement ones for about £12 so hammering will be a last resort!! If I do find it, I'll be painting it fluorescent orange so I don't do that again!
S2 licensed
Quote from Joe93 :Wheres abouts in the ne you at? ima guess aberdeen? :P

Over here in Elgin weve had a slight dusting so far the other day and its jsut sat about melted a lil and then froze over, supposidly its pretty wild up in the hills though! meant to come down hard at the weekend though or so ive been hearing, so should make for some fun car park adventures!

I'm out in the sticks, closer to Oldmeldrum.

Got myself sorted with couple snow tyres today, goes to fit them, put one on and then go to turn my car around to do the other side... did I not leave the bloody locking nut key in the nut, which has vanished in all the snow So now got one snow tyre and one normal on the front... Off to the dealer tomorrow morning in the hope they have a master key I can borrow.
S2 licensed
Quite a bit of snow in the NE Scotland, well further inland anyway. Aberdeens roads are pretty clear but the country roads in the shire are pretty slippy!!

Last year when I had my fiesty with its narrow tyres I was like "look at all these guys with their fancy cars, their all over the road." Now I've got some big wheels on my golf I sympathise with them!! Even toddling along the road at 40mph in 5th gear, the slightest hill or bend is a tense moment! ABS just scares the shit out of me and I can't turn it off, feels like your not gonna stop sometimes

Job tomorrow is to get to the vehicle dismantlers and get some steelies!!!
S2 licensed
Unfortunately the scissors didn't survive the night!!
Sending multiple pages to print
S2 licensed
As this is not related to LFS programming thought I'd best post here.

I'm updating a website I did a while ago in PHP and I'm trying to come up with a solution to print multiple invoices at once via the view order screen.

Order ID Date Amount Etc Actions
[ ] 92878797 30-10-10 £2.50 Edit/Del

So the idea would be I could tick the tick boxes for the ones I want to print and click one print button to send all the printer friendly versions to the printer. Is this actually possible? Failing that the ability to just click a print button next to each one would be a lot better than the current method.

Currently we have to open every order to physically display the printer friendly version and then send it to print which as you can imagine with 20-30 orders a day is very tiresome.

Did a good bit of googling but didn't return much more than the javascript print function.
S2 licensed
Could the stress on the wing not be the fact he turns so aggressively? At those speeds there is tremendous amount of weight on the wings so suddenly darting so heavily out back into 'normal' air would probably give a massive sudden load to one side of the wing.