if you are using windows xp you wont find any software for it because MS doesnt support it anymore, i used the add hardware wizard in control panel and windows sees the device, now if you dont have FF theres a chance its just broken because it should work as long as the button in the middle of the wheel is on.
i just wanna give my .2cents. sound does make a difference, CSR sounds good, i wont deny that, but LFS sounds are much better imho and i couldnt race using csr, i tried it once or twice on sp but it doesnt suit me.
yeah i tried barros(real name) but it was taken so i remember a famous football player(here) wich no one knows called barroso(how creative), now i stick with C.Barros ingame. maybe if i had some 0's instead of o's would be 1337.
make a partition for your games and export regedit keys for them too( cd-keys and so on) but paths will change if you only have one partition now and are going to move them, either way its always good to have a partition for windows and another for stuff like games and muzik.
network problems, either latency, or lost packets, but i'd check for background processes like antivirus, firewall, spyware stuff and then check your connection.
there is a program called autodata that would help you with that, unfortunately its not free but if you find a buddy that has it, it might help.on the other hand i think you can buy just the timing belt schema for that model online.
[portuguese pissed off about this mode] voces deviam era ter vergonha de usar essas merdas, comprem o jogo e apoiem os devs se querem ajudar, este tipo de atitudes nao ajudam ninguem.[/portuguese pissed off about this mode]
Sry for the portuguese i was just showing my discontempt for these things.
windows xp suplies a driver for it, there are no options whatsoever though, i meant it should work if you have a gameport, and even if you dont you can buy one cheap.
well ive already said that this is gay, but i have a lil something to add, try and pit in the last lap at fe green rev and see what happens, the finish line is before or very close to the pit in :P