I can't say for sure. There is another PDF whith a photo, and they look very similar. As I remember, my pots have 10KOm resistance, the same size and 0.1-0.2W power. That's how I searched.
[edit] As for the ball, well, there is always epoxy available. At least, the shaft is the same size, you don't need to cut or glue pedals, nor cut the box.
I've just found an article http://web.axelero.hu/mozso/momo_e5.html
about fixing MOMO pedals. I have different wheel (Logi Formula GP (not "force")). In the pedals block there are the same pots.
These pots are used in electronics to put them into a scheme, tweak resistance one time only and then they are usually poured over with glue to prevent turning. They are made for 1000 turns only. And here they are put into a very intensively turning aggregate. China? For the steering gaming devices they need to be sold as consumables.
I think Richard's attitude is quite evident if he says "Not kissing someone's ass". So he pretends he criticises constructively while we are kissing someone's ass.
As for 5/10 score. Indeed, in many reviews scores are between 6 and 10, once I've seen someone saying "the film's complete crap absolutely not worth watching", giving it 4/10!
But even if the scores are "honest" you have to put a vector of different characteristics into one scalar, and everything depends on the weight coefficient - i.e. what you say is the most important.
So, if you dislike LFS for some reason, just put it into unfavourable conditions - eg. play only offline, drive UF1000 at KY1, and so on. I don't think the review author bothered with putting marks separately for different characteristics, excercising such high-level maths , just put a mark he wanted. Anything can be reasoned.
"I'm a sim racer for a few years" - only sim racer? "Horrible low speed traction" - whith what did he compare it? With GPL, NR2003? (incomparable fictional cars from sims not RL) A lot of questionable statements and reasons.
In 1998 one man recommended me Opera. That time I had 486dx4 120MHz with 8MB RAM. Netscape worked terribly scraping my HDD and had no chance against Opera. Later I tried the open sourse Mozilla, but it worked strangely, "thinking" hardly (on a faster PC) when I typed text in options windows, etc.
There are too many things you're used to, to use Firefox. It can't open a link in a background window, it can't submit a form in new/background window either.
I tried changing resolution of *.raw's in S1, it worked okay.
I wanted to remake my 2003 winter mod, tried to create trees with bare branches, changed the resolution of the pictures themselves and alpha channels, and this worked out, but caused a notable, heavy fps drop, mostly where the "real" trees were. They use quite a lot of resourses and caused problems. Judging by the decrease of their amount in S2, the "real" trees are not as good as the devs hoped at the S1 stage.
You must be speaking without having even tried the tool, just speculating with the rumours and your conjectures. "We, the proletarians from the city N, haven't read «Doctor Zhivago», but condemn Bulgakov".
I always wonder at some GPL nerds blaming LFS in "arcadishness".
If there were no ghost car, anyone would need to spend more time guessing which path is better, especially at rallyX tracks, where you can go in a plenty of paths. I would need to ask somebody fast to drive ahead of me to show me the path, watch hotlaps replays (can you watch a replay the same way IRL?!! Then GPL/whateverothersim is arcade too!). This tool just saves my and someone's else time. It is absolutely not about the arcadish "press the key exactly at this point for the best result" driving style. You still need to learn to drive in a normal 'simulatory' way just with a tip (send the car 400 ms ahead and it will be almost like your friend driving ahead of you).
It is like the Orthodox Church: all that is invented by the devil is the evil and must be fought, and those, who like it or admit it, are not true believers.
Still solving problems with payment here. What is your monitor size in mm? What is the distance between the screen surface and the lens?
I'm going to buy at DIY Projector Company such a lens : 395x395 f=330. If it will be too tall, I'll make one dimension smaller with scissors or metal scissors.
BTW, if I put 17" monitor beyond a f330 lens, I will have 70" monitor (1 meter deep inside the lens).
I'm writing an article on this topic. The first part, theoretical of course, is almost finished, I will publish it tonight.
Every one would appreciate these features. Look how stupidly we have to do now to make a springboard. And they are unreliable, because a wheel (which is actually a single point!) can fall in a chink between 2 rams and crash.
Fount this on one forum. A guy brought his PC to the warranty service and said "it doesn't turn on". After having looked inside the workers asked: "Really not turning on?!!"
In one page it's written "Send the order to another address", and then they say to me "We can't do this according to the banking rules." Freaking bullshitters... I have to pay them 20 dollars more just to send it through a special agency or through another person.
No, let them go hell, I'll sooner buy it anywhere else.