HP 16'' Pavilion G60-249wm Laptop PC w/AMD Athlon X2 QL-62 Dual-Core Processor
Got it mostly for my girl, for her classes and stuff. She doesn't really game but plays Guitar Hero III on it. I tried LFS and it runs great, has a HDMI right on the back, so I just plug it into the HDTV, really convenient and works well.
Mostly got it because of the price, like $300 below MSRP at the time.
Regardless, it's a tough car to drive, it really is. It keeps you busy and makes you pay for the smallest mistakes. For me it's far different than anything else, including the FZ5.
This thread has peaked my interest though, and I've been driving it some offline. It's hard to make a set for, for me anyways. I'm trying to make a grippy all around set as a base for any future sets, and this thing is just all over, twitchy. At times it really does feel a bit like a small atv with locked axles, and you're trying to turn on mud or snow, with a really short wheelbase.
I'm gonna see if I can get consistent with it, on the keyboard, should be fun.
There are programs that can truly format a disk right? Don't they write over the drive several times to burry info or something, like to the point the CIA would fail to mine it for data?
As long as people want to race, and compete, and feel like they're actually doing what the simulator says they're doing, then LFS lives.
Also, in Race 07 and GTR2 I can hammer the throttle to 100% coming out of corners, with no aids, and maintain control, of almost any car, especially with GTR 2 (Limited play with Race 07). How is that realistic? LFS will make you pay, as you would irl. Torque oversteer hardly exists, just understeer, incredibly easy to simulate. I don't think these two games even simulate downforce.
I gave an explanation, but I don't expect anyone to actually read it all and spot it. I was just misreably bored and consumed by the topic at the moment. I was really trying to visualize what hardware phsyics acceleration could do.
A 9600GT is more than enough for LFS, at that resolution and modded all the way. I ran LFS with a 8600GTOC at the same resolution, maxed out entirely and the frame rate was always great, mostly over 100, as high as 140, as low as high 30's at the back of a grid.
Regardless I went from a 8600GT to the same card as you, 9800GTX+ 1GB. Paid $159 about a month ago, and got a great deal on a power supply.
I've seen many ppl use the molex-pci-e adapters and if it were unsafe I don't think they'd advise it on websites, it's very common to power a card this way, as long as you have the power, you're fine. Those adapters actually come with most video cards, so I'm sure you're safe.
Anyways, the performance is great, it's about as good as there is below the GTX 200 series cards, and a few from ATI. It runs just behind the Radeon 4870 in most cases, and right around the 4850, but usually ahead. Um, I play far cry 2 maxed out, Crysis on high, with a few settings at ultra, at an average of mid 30's fps. At times a nice 60 or so, when just wandering around without fighting. Frames get down into the 30's when in areas with many buildings. Other than Crysis, the video card owns every game I play, so I bought a second, and ran it in SLI. Future proof, while they're cheap. Point is don't worry, LFS is gonna be nothing for that card, it won't even get warm. I even ran Stalker - Clear Sky on maximum settings in DX10 mode, a great looking game, just behind Crysis, and IMO better than Far Cry 2. In benchmarks the 1GB did outrun the 512MB at high resolutions, 1680x1050 is right in the middle where it almost doesn't matter, although I'd prefer to up my frame buffer and have the extra memory. Good luck with the card, that's a huge upgrade, I basically made the same upgrade as you, with very similar specs, and I was blown away at how good the card runs compared to the 8600GT, and how cool it runs, an doesn't draw loads of power like a 8800GTX does. I reccommend running two in SLI, and you can get the card for much less than what you paid, shop online! You'll be good for several years.
Now all that's left, me and you alike, grab a nice quad core someday, me especially, damn 90nm windsor, runs HOTTT. With my board purchase, I'll be going with the Phenom II, hopefully black edition, depends on tax stimulus check lol. Although I admit Intel may be better performing for the $$. Honestly tho, if your board will support a E8XXX CPU, man....those things perform just awesome, and I heard they OC just perfect, unlike AMD. Mine is Black Edition, but it's already nearly maxed, I barely got what I got and only did it with clever and $$ cooling, air tho no liquid.
Jeez I'm ranting on and on lol, love talking about video cards. You made a badass purchase, you're gonna be blown away being able to play games in your native resolution, I mean I had the 8600GTOC, overclocked heavily, much faster than 95% of ppl running a 8600GT(not that I did anything special, most just don't OC) and it's just crazy the difference in performance and power usage. My 8600GTOC, stock, hit 75c on most games, after my OC nearly 85C, kinda high, but I didn't care, I guess in a way I wanted it to break lol. Also you now have Nvidia Physx acceleration, if you at some point get a game that supports it, it's uber awesome.
IMHO I think graphics can be very important, as far as immersion, like.... Eh, I can't think of how to explain what it means, to me anyways.
Like, special effects, being able to see a blowout occur in front of you in great detail, realistic smoke, different types of smoke, imagine volumetric, "dynamic" smoke! How amazing to have an accident of some kind in front of you, smoke everywhere, lighter colored spinning coils of smoke from tires, darker smoke from burning oil from..maybe a severe collision with the engine/front end, if front engine car heh. And, as the cars in front of you pass through the smoke, it blows it around...hmmmmm sounds so sweet, and absolutely possible in a hardcore DX9 engine, but far better in DX10, especially when it comes to performance, physx acceleration, (I think in a racing game that has serious physics, hardware physx like that from nvidia would be necessary, so the CPU wouldn't have both tasks, well obviously, but especially in a racer which already needs superb physics performance, you can't spare extra power for graphical type physx. I use the term physx loosely, just because I'm so used to Ageia then Nvidia, who purchased the API.
This won't happen anytime soon for LFS, and likely never...well I shouldn't say that, I think LFS will grow for a very long time, but because of the nature of LFS, it's programmers, their work thus far, and the users, it's unlikely we'll see them spend countless hours working out a DX10 engine, or more likely a DX10 enhanced DX9 engine.
Things like shattered glass, or any and all kinds of fragmentation of objects, controlled by physics acceleration, would make a racer look incredible, the idea's in my head are like infinite. This will all happen, and likely soon, but not with LFS, it's just expensive, however, because it's immersion, it may not be considered unfair advantage by those who cannot use physics acceleration to the extent I'm describing, and the Sim would look much simpler. I think it certainly may matter, but not enough to limit certain graphics/physics funcitons in online play. Nobody complains in Stalker, or Crysis, or any other game with physics, but Stalker is the best example, the graphics difference between DX8, DX9 and DX10 are major, and each player will have a very different look of their surroundings when using the different options. For example, anomolies that can kill you or hurt you badly are easier to see in DX10 with options maxed out, because the special effects they use for them make them much more revealing, while the older engines use older effects that aren't so telling when you're wandering around. (Anomolies are areas in the game world where the environment is bizzare, where gravity is chaotic, or electricity is, or radiation, many things. While many you can spot easy, being noticeable, and obvious, the worst anomolies you can't see anything except at times strange ripples in space.) I admit the developers could have used some other, simpler effect to make them easier to spot, and in a way they did, but still there's a small advantage in the game with everything maxed out.
Sorry for such a long explanation but it's just so hard to explain this aspect of that particular game, and how it effects all those who play it.
I think we should realize that graphics are incredibly important, but in contrast to physics, obviosly are way down the list of things that need to be well done, or done on time, etc etc. But no way in heck are graphics just, entirely not important. It can depend on the context like... with LFS it's obvious where it needs work, and with such a limited staff that's what will come first. Without the physics LFS would never ever have taken off and grown the way it did; as far as the community, and support.
Building a graphics engine and a physics engine to go along with it must be pricey as hell, I'm not sure, but I'm aware of how important it was that Nvidia purchase the Physx API from Ageia. Anyone here that's played a game that supports it, should agree it's breath taking in ways, and with all this GPU power we're on the verge of ray tracing, which is going to change everything.
Okay too long of a post, I'm on pain medication and bored, bad combo lol. While graphics will likely always be on the back burner in the LFS universe, there's a specific reason, and if things were different, and the technology were available, I truly believe people would eat it up. What's possible visually, that can add to the realism, man oh man, it would be just soooo real at that point... Who knows, maybe some kind of marketing possibility can make this a reality down the road. Or maybe another sim developer can do this, and actually take the time to create realistic driving environment. I'd prefer all the success in the world for LFS though, everything about it, from the play to the community, long live LFS. And if graphics are ever sooo important that the majority of users demand more of it, I think we'll get it. But good as it would be, it's unlikely, it's just soo much work, and I could be wrong about how it could effect the balance of play.
Damn, now I can't get the scene out of my mind, coming through the chicane, turn two BL GP a car spins knocks another off the track, grass and dirt fly, a hood is laying on the road just waiting to damage your front spoiler and hurt your downforce, with the volumetric smoke of several varieties woohooo!
Thanks so much for taking the time, after learning how to use custom sounds, and now layouts, I finally understand the concept behind how everything works, and now I should only need look into the guide for the key combo to access such things.
Also, I'm a HUGE fan of Top Gear, have many episodes, although not all, I want to buy everything, I need to look into that, I dunno if I can. I think the track as good as it can be in LFS, as the author says. And it's certainly a challenge.
I'm a noob in this sense, but I have no clue how to access a custom layout, must it be online to do so? And btw it looks great, I really hope I can do it offline.
All of the source powered games. And, well just about every FPS I can get my hands on, especially both Stalker games. I play a lot of FSX, I especially like it because I'm veerrrryyy slowly getting my pilots license. RPG's are good too, but since Diablo II I've been let down, even Fallout 3 I gave up on.....
Right now I play LFS, a few demo's, always trying new demo's, Stalker Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl. Fallout 3, but as I said I'm getting really bored, Left4Dead, CSS...ET, ETQW. Man I have a ton of games, I guess I'm truly happy online in an FPS owning, got the headset on, hopefully a sound server and ping and I'm good.
I absolytely love Simulation, so LFS and FSX are very important and taken seriously, while FPS online is semi-serious, tons of fun tho. RPG, can't explain it, very rewarding in a different way, like a good book, I suppose that's how it should be?
Here, my 99GT before it got wrecked. This was minutes after getting the exhaust installed. BBK headers, BBK offroad X-pipe, Magnaflow Magnapac catback. Not street legal, car at this point was quick, my other video it was all stock.
I recently downloaded the demo, hadn't tried it in the past for fear it would be identical to the GTR series, although they took much of the fake stuff out, most notably the ghey spin recovery.
Anyways, after turning off pretty much all driver aids, maxing the GFX, maxing AA and AF thru the driver, it looks pretty nice (poor reflections tho). The physics really aren't too bad, just a bit forgiving, although the front wheel drive car feels kinda right. Considering all the technical stuff and realism, with weather, warm up, etc etc, for a "single player" game it seems pretty darn fun, and certainly worth trying the demo. I may pick it up, it's probably very very cheap. My only issue is the AI is extremely dumb, and won't try to overtake. A lot like in LFS, where they'll slam on their brakes rather than just let off and wait for another chance, same exact nonsense, but on the hardest settings, in poor weather, with no assists, it's a fun game, and I've only put about 3 hours on the demo.
Download and try it out if ya haven't. It's not LFS, but it's a nice break, and fun, really honestly good fun! I bet there's good GFX mods, we'll see if I get the full version.
Here's a healthy link, never a wait if ur registered, otherwise if ya have steam just dl it thru there.
I gotta Viggen intercooler, Viggen turbo (rebuilt), manual boost controller, black leather seats, like new, and a custom made sound system, dual amps go under the seats, custom box I made, only around 800 watts but more than enough for a hatch. A set of 18" black wheels, the one's from my pic(Scroll up a bit to see, tires come with them), all for sale, if interested PM. Your car is same year, engine, etc etc. Do you have the automatic climate control, fully digital, or the other kind with the knobs, manual like setup? Ahh I have the all digital, sooo much nicer looking, makes the car look 5 years ahead of its time. Oh I also have boost and fuel pressure guages for your lumbar. Heh, I gots lots of stuff. The turbo and intercooler would surprise the hell out of you power wise. I was able to run 15.5 psi on the stock fuel system, any higher and the ecu would cut it out, throw ya into the steering wheel lol. You'd have to buy a new computer to run much higher boost, unless you use the good intercooler and drive in cold weather. Anything over 65-70* and it will cut out everytime at 15.5. The intercooler alone plus a nice downpipe will help build boost faster and stronger, and delete some lag.
Thanks a lot guys, good advise. My man Rui says that my BF's are a much better tire than the Pirelli's, I dunno but he's like a genius. He also told me 20"rear and 19" front is a little big, even tho it works with my suspension, he recommended the same size you guys are, 325's, on an 18" wheel. So I'm gonna use my stock wheels for now until I sell my others. The reason I had such a large wheels is I had them staggered, it looks really sick, but looks aren't my goal, hell from the outside my car looks entirely stock, except the exhaust in the rear.
When the tires come I'll take the car to my local speedshop, I need an oil change anyways and they're the only one's who carry Royal Purple. I'll let ya's know how it handles.
He also said if it doesn't feel right with the 18's he's gonna drive the car himself to make sure it's not me having a problem, and if not, he'll start working on the car to get it right.
Two 1 gig sticks, brand is PNY, they're about a year old, never OC'd or anything, original packaging and receipts, they were $100 each! I also have two 512mb chips, so you can actually run all 4 in dual channel, you can buy one chip or all 4, I don't care. I want practically nothing for them, as I've upgraded to PC6400 overclockable memory.
I'll sell all of it for $50, otherwise $20 each for the 1GB chips, and $10 each for the 512mb chips. Also willing to trade for gaming headset.
I also have an expensive Logitech wireless desktop (mouse and keyboard) for $20, brand new. Well I used it for about a month, then bought the G5 and G15.
Anyone interested PM or post.
Also I'm not sure this is the right section, or if this is even allowed, if wrong section my apologies, I can't seem to find a proper forum, if not allowed, remove the post, no matter.
This is the only community I really like so I'd prefer to sell the cheap stuff here.
Thanks I'll look into that Forbin. Oh do you know what safety regulations their are? I don't have a roll cage, and I'm not sure I'll ever have one installed, however I do have the recaro's and good harnesses. I know certain drag strips won't let me race because my times are too fast for not having a roll cage, but that's drag racing, hopefully I won't need one for this program, it sounds interesting. For now, what I do is fairly random, I take my Cobra, and my buddy takes his Audi RS6 and we just race ( I woop his ass hehe.)
As for my wheels, I had a set of 18's on it, and the car handled like total SHIT, terrible. What I have now is 20" in the rear and 19" in the front, and it just feels sooo much better, maybe it just works out this way for my particular car. I agree you're probably right about the wheel size issue, on most cars, but this car just needs big wheels, otherwise no matter what I do I get understeer, wheelspin, badly. Only on the race tune though, on the street tune the stock wheels and tires aren't too bad.
I have a friend looking into it for me, he owns a shop in a nearby town, he exclusively builds mustangs, of all variations, so he should know what's best. Problem is, 90% of mustang owners prefer straight line performance, that's not what I want, so when I start talking about how to get a Cobra to turn like a Vette, they just look at me funny, it's pretty annoying really. (Not that I don't like drag racing, at all, I used to drag the 99GT very often)
I had it out today with the stock wheels and tires, not very good tires, and was able to line lock through 4th gear, that's how bad it is, and that's the street tune. I'll let ya's know what my guy Rui says about my setup. He owns a 2000 Cobra R mustang, procharged, soooo sick, very fast track car, so he should have some golden advice. The '00 Cobra R was the one true mustang ever produced stricly for the racetrack.
The wheels on my Saab are 1/2 the weight of the stock wheels, they serve a purpose, and I need a larger wheel and tire for the power it puts out. The hood is long gone, sold it, and put the Viggen spoiler on the back, which nobody here even noticed. And really, changing around a car is not ricing a car out, putting a giant wing on a toyota corrola, now that's rice. My suspension and brakes are awesome and they're not for looks! This car handles like a dream, it's one of the most comfortable, and fun cars I've ever driven, which is why I've invested all the time, money, blood and sweat getting it into the shape it's in. Nothing about it is rice, the exhaust is from "Saab", Saab sport, how can that be rice. Other than that, exterior wise, I smoked out all the markers.
It has the stock hood, no biggie, you just missed what I'd posted. I got the "ricey" hood second hand for extremely cheap, I dunno, I had the car a long time, things get boring, I tried something new, and I hated it, it was on the car not even two months, and I sold it and got the Viggen wing, oh and the Viggen intercooler too. The wheels IMO are nice, they're cheap, but they work, I spent too much on the cars at that point to spend another two grand on another set of wheels, I keep a strict budget for my hobbies, I have a family. This coming summer perhaps I'll grab the BBS wheels I want. Anyways the tires cost more than the wheels did hah. If I keep it, I'm putting BBS's.
Oh, and the front end sits 1/2 inch higher on both the Saab and my GTI, it's a must where I live, and very common, for a number of reasons. Also I drive them in the winter, the Cobra stays in the garage, there's one reason. So rather than plow through the snow, I adjusted the height and dampers, very perfectly so that the cars still handle great. Good eyes tho, to spot that. Summer time I drop the cars real nice and set the dampers a full 4 turns, man oh man the GTI feels like it pulls well over 1g in the corners, good think I got the recaro's with the lateral support lol.
Anyways I'm considering buying a Saab Viggen, so I may sell my Saab, anyone interested can PM or whatever, I'm in the NYC area. Rebuilt engine, stage 3 turbo, over 300BHP, tranny is pretty solid, new high quality tranny mounts, very expensive and fully adjustable suspension, brembo's all around, Z rated tires, presently running 18.5psi because it needs a bigger fuel pump to get the full potential out of the big turbo I've installed. Honestly far too many modds to mention, but it's the most luxorious model you could get besides a viggen. All digital climate control, heated seats, black leather in mint cond. Factory stereo with 800 watt Kenwood amp and two rockford 10" subs. Very nice custom boost, fuel pressure, oil and water temp guages, boost and fuel are on lumbar. You can race virtually any car without even downshifting from 5th gear, that's how nasty it is, I want 6,500 firm, 127,000, engine rebuillt at 121. Turbo kit installed at...I think 123k. Reaches full boost at 2600rpm. Brakes are strong enough to toss u thru the windshield, no joke.
Sry for long post.