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Quote from Hyperactive :How can your religion (not pointed at anyone) force any rules of life to any single human if the said human doesn't want to have any dealings with the said religion? How is that possible? Or why?

Well, in my beliefs, you can do what you want with your life, I could care less. You made your choice, you stand by it, good for you. As I mentioned earlier, having some people send me PM's with really nasty words about MY choices in life is...saddening. I would never do that to another, and that isnt because of my faith. That is just being a decent human.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 : I don't believe a god would put its people in such a negative mindset,I believe it at least will have given us tools to achieve something good, something we naturally feel good about, like discovery and finding out how things works. If the notion of a religion is to suppress our development in intelligence, asking us to obey instead of rationalizing between what we know and what we not know, then i am not convinced.

I know this is the minority, but this minority is rather too large.

God has given us the tools to do good, it is your brain! if God wanted humans to pray more, we would have small brains and sturdy knees to kneel.
How you go through life is ultimately your decision, God has given humans free will in which to choose their own path, be it in the servitude of God or not. In the same vain, how you interpret your religion determines the person you are; you can take guidance from your religion, or you can interpret the teaching of your religion to jive with how you want them to be.
Sadly, that is what is plaguing the Muslim religion right now. I have read the Koran, and if Christians, Jew and Muslims really knew just how close each other religion is, alot of problems and tensions would cease.
S2 licensed
Quote from JDM Luv y0! :People are trying to do away with DriftBattle and other drifting events that take place at Altamont. Please support DriftBattle anyway you can, even if it’s just telling a friend what’s going bad.

heres my opinion/what i said;
dude! that is ****’d up, rly i think that guy with the fohawk is right, they think we bring alcohol and drugs and make gangs, and whatnot, im pritty sure that lady is talking about the ricers that try to drift with civics in neighborhoods, “people with no common sense”

post ur comments below

thx guys

shoute out to for the news

I understand your point, but if you want to convey your feelings to the majority who against something, please, please PLEASE articulate yourself in a dignified way. Let us pretend that I am against the drifting competitions, and you would like to convince me otherwise. If you spoke to me as how you typed, you would only reinforce any bias or stereotypes I may hold.
S2 licensed

So as some of you know, I am a Christian; to be exact, I am Lutheran, and not ashamed as such. I go to church every week, contribute five percent of my income to the church, and participate with the fellowship.

But, politically, I am a libertarian and as such, I am in the firm belief that my religion, or ANY religion, should not be a part of any governmental body, as it would interfere with the society it governs. But let us clear a few things up, shall we?

"One nation, under God." That was first used by The Knights of Columbus, whom inserted it in when they recited the pledge. In case you may be wondering, The Knights Of Columbus are for the most part a Catholic organization.
The meaning of "one nation under God" means that no man, no nation, is more powerful than God himself. The KOC lobbied congress to insert this into the pledge, and in the 1950's it was done, for the most part to remind Americans that communist's were theoretically godless, the communist state being their religion. And so it stuck. Hmm, person in the OP vid probably didnt know that...making him *gasp* ignorant!

"In God We Trust." How that came about to be printed on US currency, I am not aware or know. But, I DO know what it means, and it is pretty simple: Again, it is a reminder to people that in only God you should trust, as money and government was invented by humans and as such, are corrupt and tainted.
It is kind of like the US government is telling its citizens that government is a pretty sleazy entity, and not to put your faith into it.

To be honest, the gentleman in that video came across to me as ignorant and bigoted. I guess it really depends on what side of the fence you are viewing from. And just plain nasty, too. Not all Christians are as he described, and I for one do not understand this deep hate from atheists, a bit from him, but especially on the internet. To the angry atheists: what has God and religion done to you to hold all this hate and frustration?

How I wish the ideals of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were still implemented today, the original writing of the United States Constitution. Today, we have essentially two political parties that for the most part are as different as comparing eggshell white and antique white paints.

I know there are others who feel the same way as me, but being as the internet is, a godless landscape, might be afraid to say so, because of the unneeded ridicule some people bring down on them.
As a matter of fact, I have received some pretty hateful words from atheists and the like over the years on the internet. And here I thought that they feel that it is religion that spreads hate all over the world....
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :s2 racers = racers
demo racers = drifters

ironic, eh? i'd say that at least 80-85% of demo racers dedicate their time to drifting. i personally hate drifting, a childish and barbaric pastime

:bananalla:bananalla:bananalla Oh no! Here come the flaming banana warriors, astride their green blob animals!

Quote from BlackSheep720 :Such assumptions, such assumptions. I was actually a drifter back in my demo days, and boy did I have control! I could take the chicanes at Blackwood reverse any day! But now I see that drifting is completely pointless. I still think it's barbaric and childish.

You are a real piece of work, and your maturity really shines through these quoted posts.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAD3.0LT :lmao what kinda idiots race around a car park in crappy 4wd's or fwd's at least if ur gonna do car park shit do it sideways

Oh no, its worse. That white GTO is a SOHC, front wheel drive turd.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :
This server move should take place (by the end of) next week if all goes as planned (hardly ever does though).

So, this month the shop should definitely open. I hope you can wait a bit longer The shirts won't run away

Take your time, don't be pressured. Good planning always has good results.
S2 licensed
Quote from scoobyrbac :Well, im not really a skin maker as you can tell by my skin. I have a ton of ideas but idk how to put them down on a skin

This skin here I have, I tryed to make a replica skin from a Modified Dirt Track Car. But as you can see im crap a thing for drug stores??
S2 licensed
A few things I have noticed in my 16 month of playing Live For Speed:

*WARNING!* generalizations, personal opinions and stereotypes will be used! If you are offended by this,...well, tough!

-The blue flag spammers, from my observations, are for the most part, people whom have never driven a vehicle in the real world, much less a vehicle on the race track. IRL, a racer doesnt hit some key bind to move another out of the way, it is mutual respect with both players. If you want someone to move, fill up their mirrors; that usually gets the point across. If you have a shred of talent, you can exploit a persons weakness so you can pass. You dont have to nerf or push to get results. Also, berate the ignorant backmarker AFTER the race, OK? I get fed up with flooding, and I am sure others do, too!

-In regards to hotlappers on the track with others. Some time ago, I was on a server with a known hotlapper, and that person was the most rudest, vile, pushy racer I have encountered. I have seen wreckers with more class! Sure, that person won, with the fastest time, but after watching the replay, it was when the field was clear, most of the time the person was getting ahead by bumping people out of the way. Fast racers should win and excel with merit, fair play and strategy, and lead by example, not by being a bully, which is what I sometimes see played out on countless servers.

-Sam, you are right...there are some really great,fast people online. They lead by example, and are greeted with hellos and polite driving from other racers. They do their race, leave the juvenile drama out of it, and as a result, everyone has a great time.

For everyone, just remember this: it only take a drop of love to ruin a big old vat of hate. On the other hand, it take only one rotten BANana to ruin the bunch. Dont be a rotten banana.
S2 licensed
Quote from MARSH2a :jayhawk,

We could use a member like yourself.

Land Of The Free Racing is 16 members strong, all Americans form east to west coast. Many members have been members for a year now.

Check out our website and register on our forums to see whats going on.

We're involved in multiple leagues and are preparing to present our own team series. You can usually find us on one of our |||LOTF servers weeknights and some weekends.

If you want to email me... [email protected]

S2 licensed
Question, and answer honestly.

How many teams, since November of 2006, have you been involved in, or started? Do you ever just stick with one thing?
S2 licensed
I remember the original video, because of Google video it is too pixelated, but the girl who was in the 3000GT (GTO) pissed her pants.
S2 licensed
All my skins look like this:
S2 licensed
20,000 miles on a DFP and it still works great. It will have to die before I go G25.
S2 licensed
I made KY Grand Prix as the final test of the racers-60 laps and I think everyone will slumped over their wheels.

Can everyone handle it?
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :ahh why don't people buy the STI instead

Ahhh how about you send me the additional $7000 USD to pay for it! Also an additional 22% extra for insurance. Plus, you can send an additional $250 USD a month for my chiropractor visits, as the STi ride is very harsh on my back, which is bad to begin with, and now I am getting arthritis in it, too!

I know, I am taking the piss out on you. To me, the STi is just too much for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Right then,

So when you're showering... Do you go out of your way to manually soap up your legs with direct soap -> leg contact, or rather do you rely on the flow of soapy water over your legs to do the job?

Being in a hurry most of the time, I noted the other day that I tend to let everything below the.... important area.... get neglected in terms of "hard contact" with the soap bar etc. Of course, I don't work in the dirt or anything and would obviously modify my routine when necessary.

Recently, I only rated you 7% more sexier than Dawedust12, but after this thread, yes, you now get that extra 0.

S2 licensed
We all know that you can get low FPS because of overheating, but how many here open their computer case every month and either blow out the dust or vacuum? By doing that, my temps usually drop 3-4 Celsius.
S2 licensed
Might want to change your signature, too. That is absolutely, DEFCOM I critical.
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Quote from dawesdust_12 :Easier, He sends a canadian (I'll volunteer) the $$, and then said sexy Canadian purchases the voucher.

I dunno on that. BBT seems about 7% more sexier.

S2 licensed
Well, I am slightly tipped. I had two Newcastles tonight. So...I am international!
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Quote from Blas89 :My sister is called Sonia!! and my mom too

¡Sí, y mi esposa es una mujer mexicana buena, también!
S2 licensed
  • My real name: Jay
  • My age and gender: 31, male.
  • Where I live: Aurora, Illinois (home of Waynes World ).
  • My education: 2 year degree automotive technician.
  • My job: Nissan / Subaru parts counter person.
  • My favorite subject from High School: Law and Political Science.
  • Marital status: Married to Sonia.
  • My favorite music genre: Anything except Country, Rap and cheesy techno.
  • My favorite bands/music artists: Too many to name. Mostly R & B, Jazz and classical.
  • My favorite movies: Comedy and Adventure movies that are smartly written.
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Though I only say it to American Soldiers any chance I can, I will also say to you,

"Thank you for serving your country". Stay safe.
S2 licensed
I assume Ash body and a maple neck?

Then I realized...I have been playing guitar for longer that you have been alive...18 years. Wow. Nice to see see someone build a guitar, you really have an appreciation when finished.

Some of my guitars...I mostly like Deans, but not the flying V's. My playing style is Jazz and I guess you would say Rush.