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S3 licensed
@ Boris Lozac:

You are forgetting the track generator. My interest in GT5 has gone up for the track generator alone.

I agree road racing is the most important feature in a racing game; however rally racing is not so minuscule motor-sport that it should be left out. Especially since the previous carnations of GT have included it.

Karting is also a rather large world-wide motor-sport. If PD had the opportunity to model a chassis, then it would have been a mistake to pass it up. Even if the karting is a bit shoddy, they would have to test the market to see if it would be worth developing further.

A major problem caused by implementing so many features is the fact that they have forgone modeling at least some cockpit for all of the cars. If there would be a feature to leave out for focus on more important features, it should be the photo mode.

Just my two cents on that subject.
S3 licensed
I may be hoping for too much, but I hope the special suspensions and dampers on rally cars can be adjusted. PD seems to be modeling the suspension so it could be in there. Especially since the rally cars are premium models.

I'd also hope to be able to put rally suspension on a car as a modification.
S3 licensed
This game literally is a screen shot generator! Can hardly wait!
S3 licensed
I could have sworn I was reading a thread about rubber that rolls, computers, and boxes that carry people... or something.

o well back to topic:

S3 licensed
In the first gif that front corner looks like it is below the the level the road rather than flapping around.

With the damage aside, the game looks good.
S3 licensed
The apex drivers' magazine seems useful. I remember reading the driving tip segments in the GT3 and GT4 manuals. However, someone could find more in-depth reading on the internets than what could possibly be in that magazine.

I am amazed how RBR is still the state-of-the-art rally sim on the market (I still play it regularly). All of the ones that I know of are just eye-candy. Maybe GT5 will be the ultimate all-in-one racing sim/game that will cater to both casual and simracers.
S3 licensed
Maybe Loeb is trying to make his job seem harder to those of us who haven't driven a rally car.
S3 licensed
Holy crap, that's not funny... But I couldn't stop laughing!! That was worse than LFS.

Remember this one!?
S3 licensed
The car contact sparks remind me of fighting games, where the punches and kicks explode on contact!
S3 licensed
I didn't say driving park wouldn't be in GT5, I was just pointing out the obvious.
S3 licensed
That is the driving park gymkakahahannana area from gt4. I can tell because of the paint on the ground.

Those photos could easily be photoshoped. The view is so far away you can see any detail.

Edit: I agree about the bling sound. It detracts from the immersion. Also that spectate view before the start countdown is annoying too.
Last edited by legoflamb, .
S3 licensed
I drove the midget halfway around the ring in gt4. Quit because it was taking too long.
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :What makes you think the squat has anything to do with grip on the rear tyres? The only difference that helps squat vs. no squat would be a tiny CoG change and possibly some negative camber from the suspension compression, but the main factor - the weight - is just as much over the rear tyres, soft suspension or not.

I'd say if anything a stiff rear is causing the car to respond less well to throttle stabilization because it acts as anti-roll, preventing the front wheels to be lifted from the ground.

I never said that the CoG change is what gives the rear end more grip. I understand maximum grip cannot be exceeded, and I had assumed that should have been understood. When I said more grip in the rear, I meant more grip than the front. Squat while there are lateral g's on the chassis will lift the front tire more as you have said.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mattesa :...

This effect has more to do with the stiffness for the suspension than the physics engine of each game. In LFS softening the rear springs and dampers will allow throttle input to stabilize the rear similarly to NKP.

I don't mean to turn this into a setups thread, but if the rear suspension is stiff, the rear end will not squat enough to supply more grip to the rear tires. This is caused by the linear gain of the spring constant over the distance of travel.
S3 licensed
Well menantoll I got something to look forward to when I get back to racing at IHR. I'm Having some computer down time, installing drivers, I just installed windows seven.
S3 licensed
I did a brief read on LFSEI, and it seems there is no way for the points to go down. If that is not the case correct me if I am wrong. If it is true How much of a factor is SR for being able to drive each class or on the server for that matter. I think certain cars require more race craft skill to be able to race cleanly, so SR should be a factor as well as experience regarding each class.
S3 licensed
IIRC LFS uses only one CPU core that might be the problem. However, I could be wrong.
S3 licensed
EDIT: woops!:doh:

Decided to read up about what I wanted to talk about.

Using LFSW stats seems like the best database to draw stats from because it is universal to all servers and is public. good thing I can read

@anyone opposed to insim applications

There are all sorts of oppinions about insim applications, and most of them make sense. I agree that having zero insim is the ideal racing enviornment, but just as a utopian society with no laws or rules would be ideal to live in; however we all know that is imposible when regarding human beings. Therefore we need laws/insim on some public servers to achieve clean racing.

With that said I would and could assume that most would agree that running servers without any sort of insim control would reqire the most amount of admin policing. Since there are a limited supply of admins for one server in any given timezone it is not plausable, and that has proven its self to be true. This cannot be denied.

All this is the reason why I support insim contolled servers. I don't do that much racing, and when I do, it does not take place in a league. When I play LFS, I play to race for fun on large grids. If there is no racing going on becuse of crashes/restarts/other miscellaneous BS, then I am not having any fun. This is why I like insim. I would not want it force on all servers, however for large grid public servers I think insim is necessary.
Last edited by legoflamb, . Reason : My idiocy
S3 licensed
It is GT related, but not GT5. I thought it was intresting, how Loeb practiced for Le Mans using GT4, and hadn't known about it till now.
S3 licensed
not impossible
S3 licensed
A problem with making major changes to rules on a server like CTRA or IHR is that everyone will have to start over.

I am not sure if this is the case, but I get the impression that if the population of a server are forced to start over, they might not return to the server to race. If the rules are changed and people keep their rank it would defeat the purpose of changing the rules.
S3 licensed
rubber baby buggy bummpers
S3 licensed

Does LFSEI dictate which cars you are capable of driving? If it doesn't, and has no effect on SR, it is useless and has no meaning. If it does effect which cars you get to dirve, then it is what ruins class racing. not being able to choose what car you perfer to drive seems pointless to me.

Maybe safety rating should be more of a deciding factor in LFSEI rather than what place you achieved in races. It might change the way people want to achieve LFSEI because position wont matter as much as safety. This way someone in fifth place could achieve more points than someone in first who had a poor safety rating for that race.
S3 licensed
That is how you konw who to perma ban and blacklist. If we know a person can drive cleanly and chooses not to, then we know we can ban them. That is why there there will be no unreasonable ban.
S3 licensed

It is good that you think my solution has some good. It means my post wasn't completely pointless.

What is LFS"EI"?

The point of the class system is to not let the noobs participate in the upper class racing until they are nolonger noobs. So it seems to get the job done.