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S3 licensed
In future, always use protection for safe showering and use goggles.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Who is EZForum? Why is it better than this one, where we all get along, we all know and play LFS, and we have regular contact with the devs? If it's a specific forum (i.e. for a league, or for drifting) then I can understand, but a general LFS forum isn't really needed

*looks around at this forum*

I think it is less of a new LFS home, and more of a bit of LFS publicity on a forum which has active users that play many other games. So hopefully they will see the LFS section and join in - then come here

The more the merrier imo.
S3 licensed
I suspect the demo won't change much, but will merely be updated with whatever updates they provide for the full version. Kind of LFS style.

Anyway, I mirror Axus's view that I might even buy it if they begin to progress and make steady improvements. However, so much as another blip on the customer relations front then I think they will have blown it.
S3 licensed

Website has been updated. It is mainly repeating what has been said on forums. Lets hope they are back into the swing of things and can progress nKar Pro a bit more.
S3 licensed
This has been talked over sooooo many times. I suggest you look in the improvements section of this forum to read through the various reasons for and against.

I suspect this thread will be locked anyway as it won't lead anywhere new.
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :good god.. lol gonna have to go to circuit city then and ask them to do it lol

phone them first....

you dont want to make any extra journeys in that gas guzzler of yours
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :

As for Fissi he isn't exactly championship material either.

Watching that video reminded me of how good Murray Walker is
S3 licensed
unscrew it?

centre console can be a proper pain in the ass when trying to remove radios etc. tbh, you best bet is either to get the proper specialist tools, or make a quick visit to a car audio shop who most likely have alot of experience in removing them.
S3 licensed
Im lost
S3 licensed
Yep, good move IMO.

Will be exciting to see what Adrian Newey comes up with for them.

Who supplies engines? Still ferrari, I forget...
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i know, and it was warming up to, i did have 10%, but three mins of audio conversion got me to 48, and ive now discovered my fan is sitting at 3000 rpm

My fan is at 2400rpm @ 32C. Cooler chip though probably: A64-3000@2Ghz.

However, I did have the same fan in a previous case and it only dropped -5C, IMO the biggest improvement in cooling comes from your case and the air flow around it. Mine dropped ~15-20C with my new case. The case has 2x 12cm fans which are also low rpm, so a bit quieter than usual, and a proper directed airflow.
Last edited by mrbogeyman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Tigershark :Nonsense, Schumacher's car was weighed.

Read FIA's full report of this weekend here: ... F1_Official_Report_06.PDF


looks like i loose that bet :doh:
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
The reason for the car being underweight was explained as being
attributable to excessive and unexpected tyre wear (and therefore weight
loss) arising through continued use of wet weather tyres in comparison to
the accustomed and anticipated rate of wear for dry tyres

Source: ITV

I wonder what Schumacher's car weighed with his somewhat worn tyres? But of course as a retirement his car did not go into Parc Ferme...

I bet you are right....
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :That was the best and most entertaining race of the last 5 years!!

I totally agree, was awesome to watch.

I vote for a half wet race every race
S3 licensed
soap box derby, of bogeys as they are called here

ear wax or bogeys(snot!)?
S3 licensed
Quote from Noni :Guys a few questions-

Whenever I go to the server browser, the screen goes into windowed mode. I can switch from window mode to normal with shift+f4 but how do I keep it hole?

I expected more servers, which ones are popular?

How do I assign all the keys? (cant find some in the controls).

How do I get skins?

How do I get setups?

#1: Before you click the 'Display Servers' button, you should noticed a 'Windowed Yes/No' option at the top - click that to make it stay full screen.

#2: The ammount of servers depends on what time you race at, and what filters you might be using to search. I usually eliminate empty servers from the list. Popular servers depend on what type of racing you do. FM servers are popular for oval races, but you need to know what you are doing before you go on them. dSRC servers are where I go the most as im a team member, but we are willing to help out noobs like yourself if you ask nicely for setups and behave.

#3: Skins are downloaded automatically. You can Upload your skins onto if you make your own and want people to be able to download them.

#4: Setups are sent in game, someone should talk you through it in-game.

I suggest you have a look in the begginers section of these forums if you have anymore questions. There are lots of stickies on the most popular questions so have a good read and search there first if you have more questions.

edit: It seems I got beaten by alot of people in a short space of time!
S3 licensed
(to Robin Hood tune 'riding thru the glen' one )

Live for Speed, Live for Speed, racings what we do

Live for Speed, Live for Speed, trying to take the lead

Created by the devs

For us nooooooooooooooooooooooobs

Live for Speed

Live for Speed

Live for Speed

(im a lyrical genius i know.... :razz
S3 licensed
Quote from Centurion :It's a very bad thing you can pay for a game only by bank cards, it would be very nice to make webmoney paying method !

You can use paypal and some other online money brokers. If you care to read the LFS website you can find those details on it.

As for the ammount you have paid, if there has been an error then Vic might look into it.
S3 licensed
I don't see the point of an update AT ALL just now when you can see Scawen working away on test patches in the test patch section. It is blatantly clear what he has been working.

I see that you are mainly concerned that the LFS webpage hasn't changed in so long, BUT when Scawen has finished with these test patches it will eventually become a full patch V, so that will be updated on the main LFS there is your update waiting to happen. If you are lucky the devs might even add a 'update diary' thingy when creating the patch link, i.e. to say what has been happening. However, I doubt it will be anymore than 'Here is the latest patch with lots of minor fixes such as....'.
Last edited by mrbogeyman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Primoz :
BTW, boogey, you must really hate your bike to ride it in snow...

Its a snow mobile
S3 licensed
Not online.

You can only share/unlock your account for use over a LAN.
S3 licensed

Having previously used GIMP for making my LFS skins, I found it to be a bit cumbersome and particularly frustrating for making vector-like shapes etc.

As you have used both would you say it offers a far easier skinning environment in terms of quality and creation of vectors?

Also you said you used GIMP to touch up that last skin, why? The reason I ask as I have yet to find a complete package to do-it-all.

S3 licensed
Well it certainly looks like an interesting bit of track, im just unsure as to whether is merits a completely new track to choose from. TBH I wouldn't mind one of the FE tracks being adjusted slightly to have it added, but I don't think things will change at this point.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, Duckphone!

nope, doesnt have the same ring as banannaphone

to the duckpond duckman!

hmm, not quite the coolness of batman....
S3 licensed
Quote from traxxion :I haven't seen BTCC, but I must say I really enjoyed yesterday's F1 race!

I must admit yesterday's F1 was slightly better than usual. However, the one thing that annoys me is that generally the guy in front has to have some sort of a problem for a pass to take place. For instance Raikonnen passing Button, as Button had problems towards the end.

If that ammount of overtaking took place at every race I would be a bit happier, and I would prefer it to be at the front of the grid as well, i.e. the championship leaders ACTUALLY racing on track rather than in the pits. TBH ive yet to see a race where the Ferrari and Renault were anywhere near each others pace, so far it has been one or the other dominating for some reason.