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S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :The key rule is indeed "can." It gives us leeway to enforce the policy as we choose, which was the way it was intentionally designed. You (should) have been aware of this from the moment you read it.

The implementation may not have been consistent in the past, but we intend for it to be so in the future.

Rubbish, its no longer can, its WILL, thats what im highlighting, You have 2 sections which contain the rules, and they are both inaccurate. Its not debatable, its fact, they WILL be penalised, by a rule which ISNT in the rules. NOWHERE in the rules does it say anyone will be punished for not having the Kyoto logo. So as ive said, the rules dont state something you've rushed in and made no real effort to inform people of.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :
While we announced a winner a month ago, we have been working on the site, the refinement of the series logo, and the design of the event logo for most of that time. We would have gotten the completed package to you sooner if it were possible, but it wasn't.

So because off other people delaying things, the racers are the ones being punished because it took you guys so long to get round to telling people?? You took 28 days to get this far, not a word of warning, then 2 days beforehand theres threats of DT penalties for a very late announcement. That sucks, plain and simple.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :
I'm not going to address the suggestion that we "enjoy" handing out DTs, because that's simply stupid, childish, and absurd.

And as far as I'm concerned, Paul, you need to change the way you post if you want to get civil (or any) responses in the future.


Erm, who was the person claiming people who didnt put logos on skins deserved to be given a DT? YOU!
As for 'Enjoy', thats YOUR words not mine. Not once did i say enjoy, i said you'd be happy to give out those penalties for something you guys have announced at the last minute. Your taking things out of context, and you know damn well!

Can i just remind you, for the SECOND time in this thread, you've taken something i havent said, and implied i have! So who's being 'stupid, childish, and absurd'? If you'd stop putting words in my mouth and then using them to warn me for saying something i havent said, then you might find ive said nothing wrong.
Quit taking comments out of the context they are in, just because you guys are boxed in because of lack of organisation and as per usual your shifting the blame of it all onto everyone else. You guys take 28 days to get something done, we get 2 days to act on it or get a DT, wheres the justice!
S3 licensed
First off, Theres a key word in that rule though isnt there, its 'CAN'.
That rule you've highlighted has been there all season.
People HAVE chose to ignore that rule, you guys HAVE ignored that.

Nowhere in there does it warn of punishment, however now through a rather badly hinted post it turns out your going to give out DT's for people who dont have the new logo AND badge, something which has NEVER been a requirement before.

Secondly, You announced a logo winner had been picked 1 month ago (30+ days), you knew about 2 months ago that you could no longer use the logos tweak produced for the series, and you waited 58hrs before the final round of the series to tell people they'll get a DT penalty if they dont wear both. Not only that, but you make a p*ss-poor attempt at actually warning people of this new rule. If you want to enforce a new rule, made some effort to ensure everyone knows about it, surely the intention of the penalty is to force people to wear the new logo, not so you can be a bitch and dish out DT's cos they're fun, so why the lack of effort to warn people and just tell it to them straight?

To me it stinks that your happy (and DWB says its deserving!) that people could be punished because you guys decide at very short notice your going to get penalty-happy when you guys couldnt get a simple logo out to folks and give them decent warning. Considering you contacted the winner 30 days ago, and were 2 days before the final race, i'd say whatever the reason its so late, it certainly isnt the drivers/teams fault, its either series management or the logo designer, yet clearly the teams are the ones your happy to penalise. How is that fair?
S3 licensed
u guys, April first was a few days ago, your all too late

And as roob said, if you need the logos going on, let me know, same applies to anyone else, wont be easy without the source file to remove the previous logos but im sure i could get it near perfect.
S3 licensed
What have i got to 'cmon' about, i didnt even make or imply the comment your telling me to 'cmon' about.

If it comes down to penalising people or visiting the new site to avoid penalties... c'mon
We can all put words in other peoples mouth, doesnt make it right.

The post was made 58hrs before the race, while >80% of the entrants are fast asleep and wont read for at least 8hrs, the thread entitled 'Drivers Briefing', which you say is what people should be reading, contains NO warning of DT penalties. The MoE website rules contains NO warning of this DT penalty, this very forum's rules contains NO warning of this DT penalty.

Theres a convenient lack of effort being made to announce to people this rule exists, instead theres a cryptic message telling everyone to go to the newly opened MoE website.
If what you trying to do is get people to put the correct logos on the cars, then all you have to do is make a GENIUNE attempt at asking people to do this, this has been the location for 99.9% of all pre & post race communications, the ONLY thing the MoE site has ever done is hold the 45% estimate, which most people dont need to know about, so wouldnt it make perfect sense if you want people to put the new logos on skins to just say so, not force people to visit the new site and if they dont give them a DT, because thats basically what its doing, but whatever it is it isnt exactly in the spirit of things is it, Its hardly trying to get the message out.

Personally it makes sod all difference to me, our skins had the logos on the Sunday night once the site went up, but as i said earlier it'd be a shitty way to end the series by handing out petty penalties because you refused to tell people on this forum. As i said in the 2nd paragraph of the previous post, what harm does it do giving proper warning of this new rule you'll be dishing out penalties for, even if you insist of forcing people to the MoE site for a couple extra page hits, give decent warning, thats my gripe, combined with p*ss-poor notice of its introduction. Unless you WANT people getting this penalty, make a proper effort to tell people they need to have these logos on, and theres a penalty for anyone failing to, currently its rather secretive which im pretty sure isnt the norm for a drivers briefing.

If you want logos on skins, just ask people. Help others help you, surely thats win-win for everyone Im sure you dont want to hand out stupid penalties, so let people know better especially given the short notice.
S3 licensed
I think its rather bizarre that teams will get a DT for something introduced 2 days before the final event, yet in previous rounds ive seen a couple of teams running without the MoE visor, and one without a number on. Missing those items i can understand them being punishable, but lacking the use of both logos is punishable with such short notice... there should be some continuety/consistancy, not 6 months of not giving a hoot then coming down hard in the last round 2 days before the race, it'd be a crappy way to end the season if teams got penalties under those circumstances.
Also, it wouldnt harm to actually mention this rule in this thread, rather than assume people will read the latest bit of news, especially when you plan on penalising people for not reading that news. Its very late news, apparently its important people know (seeing as you plan to DT folk who dont) so wouldnt it make sense just to make sure as many people do actually know this to avoid having to give out DTs, as the aim is surely to get everyone using the new logos, not finding stealthy ways to punish people.

Also, i gotta ask what the bejesus is going on in that Kyoto logo? Why is there what appears to be the sihollette of a geeza holding a gun? I cannot for the life of me figure out what the blazes that is supposed to be, cant help but think it'd look a whole lot nicer without it, it looks like a mistake on the layer (i know its not) and has been left in there, cant see what it could be that ties in with endurance racing to explain what it means.
Anyone got any ideas?
S3 licensed
nice work, and congrats to Justin, sweet logos
S3 licensed
The series times dont run by UTC, its always been CET, the ONLY reason UTC is being given is because its the sensible half of the world, it doesnt arse about with changing clocks forwards and backwards.

Quote :* Qualifying
In the week before a race on Sunday and Friday nights at 21:00 CET (summertime when applicable) qualifying sessions of one hour will be held. Teams can run an unlimited amount of laps during these sessions, but may only have one car on the track at all times. The fastest lap of the team counts for the starting positions."

THAT is the start time, THAT is when the race will start. Stuff UTC, its irrelevent, because the rules run according to CET, nothing else matters.
Then if you want to convert that to UTC, such as the thread title uses, then UTC is 2hrs behind, making it 19UTC, but the key thing to remember is that the start time isnt a fixed UTC time, its a fixed CET time, and during 'Summer Time' it changes the offset with UTC.

But, as ive said, and made pretty clear by making it BOLD... :P
If your clocks went forward, meaning its following 'Summer Time', then the start time last month is the same as this month, MoE enters summertime, you enter summertime.
S3 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :that just means your a n00b

UTC doesnt change for any daylight saving nonsense, it doesnt lose an hours sleep like the rest of us so while UTC was the same as GMT, after DST its now 1hr behind, purely because our local time has moved forward.
Basically, in terms of most peoples local time, MoE starts at the same time as always, however the UTC time is affected because it stayed still while most local timezones advanced.

Ive always thought DST was stupid, its completely impractical, causes confusion, and is used by roughly half the world, the rest arent stupid enough to buy into it, if everyone is being an idiot then at least were all idiots who are in sync, but now its all over the place. And exactly what is the benefit? A little more light of an evening ( cos you dont get tons of that in the summer anyway, right?) and its a little darker in the morning, whoopiedoo.
If there ever was a good enough reason why DST should be scrapped, the fact that it confused poor 3J should be reason enough!

Its the exact same time its always been, the confusion is purely because we've gone forward 1hr and UTC hasnt, so it looks like its earlier (technically it is ) however to our clocks, the qual and start times are the same as every other round.

If your clocks went forwards last night, then the qual and race start times are the same as normal, if it was 8pm last month its 8pm this month.
If your clocks didnt go forward, then its 1hr earlier.

There may be 3 or 4 people in locations which dont follow DST, this image gives an idea as to who follows DST and who doesnt:
aylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png" target="_blank"> ... ng-World-Subdivisions.png
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :I read that about 10 times and still don't get your sentence

that just means your a n00b

UTC doesnt change for any daylight saving nonsense, it doesnt lose an hours sleep like the rest of us so while UTC was the same as GMT, after DST its now 1hr behind, purely because our local time has moved forward.
Basically, in terms of most peoples local time, MoE starts at the same time as always, however the UTC time is affected because it stayed still while most local timezones advanced.

Ive always thought DST was stupid, its completely impractical, causes confusion, and is used by roughly half the world, the rest arent stupid enough to buy into it, if everyone is being an idiot then at least were all idiots who are in sync, but now its all over the place. And exactly what is the benefit? A little more light of an evening ( cos you dont get tons of that in the summer anyway, right?) and its a little darker in the morning, whoopiedoo.
If there ever was a good enough reason why DST should be scrapped, the fact that it confused poor 3J should be reason enough!
S3 licensed
UTC doesnt change for DST, but as they dont use UTC as the start-time i guess the UTC time is effectively changed due to timezones moving forward 1 hour, so it effectively goes back 1 in comparison.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Not cheap, if you licence it correctly:

cant even come up with domainname without re-hashing someone elses, so chances of that are slim
imitation & flatery and all that, 2nd person in 6 months.
S3 licensed
The thing is, theres 1 or 2 idiots demanding the moon and the stars, and theres a handful of people requesting something quite sensible, and yet everyone insists on arguing with the morons and claiming its crazy, yet conveniently ignoring the valid points.

4096 is stupid, at least with current technology.
2048 is easily possible, is unarguably clearer than 1024, can be easily compressed to fit existing limits (400kb) without any damaging effect, and has been the norm for skin makers for the last 2-3 years.

Some will argue 'you should be focusing on driving not worrying about pretty skins', but why? What difference does it make, if you cant/wont tell the difference then does it harm you any? Your not being forced to download even higher res skins. The arguement which nobody has yet been able to answer is WHY NOT. It doesnt harm anyone, it doesnt cost more to provide it, its easy to make a significantly clearer looking 2048 skin within the limits of LFSW's 1024@400kb limits, so why cant these be used if people want to use them, it certainly makes 'Hi Res Skins' accurate, seeing as 1024 is hardly that.

So sod the idiots who want 4096, ignore them like every idiot who asks for Ferrari's and the ring in LFS, the thread got started on the request of 2048 skins and very few people have exceeded that, yet plenty of people are latching onto that as a reason why its stupid... but frankly, what harm does it do to anyone if they allowed 4096 skins anyway? Is anyones gaming experience destroyed by what someone else see's? If theres an actual negative reason for something being implemented, then i'd expect people to point it out for the good of the game, however when people argue against something because it doesnt suit them, then i'd class them as bigger muppets than those wanting 4096 skins, the might want something unrealistic, but at least they have reason for their request rather than what seems to be nothing short of envy or being single minded.
S3 licensed
it happened weeks ago, however the whole series has moved location (as announced at the time) to
once you've registered, stick a post in the signup area just so we know you've registered, and then shortly after you'll be added to the LFSWS - GB usergroup which wil give you access to the private GB sub-forum which is where were yapping about various subjects.
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Slicks 'n Slide > All, tbh

We have a winner folks!
Slicks n Slide, without a doubt the greatest top down racer. Generally is good, but it just doesnt have the simplicity that S'n'S had, but seeing as that was made in the days of DOS and not Windows, its a great substitute, but that game gave me years of happyness.
I was looking for this game just the other week, wondering just how long ago it was, and it all just came flooding back. In reality its a really basic game, nothing complicated about it compared to the work put into some games today, and thats the beauty of it, its just clean simple fun.
What a game

Dont suppose anyone else has Pixeljunk Racer? afaik its PS3 exclusive (dont think its on XBL) but its quite a fun little title. Its more like Scalextric with lane changing (your car follows a set lane until you switch lanes) and theres about 20 different game modes which are quite hectic. My favourite being fairly simple, the more AI cars you overtake the faster you cars speed becomes, theres no stop/reverse in the game, only forward and varying faster speeds, and as your car gets faster and faster your pretty much looking half a lap ahead of yourself to see whats coming in order to have any hope of reacting to it in time to not hit them. As soon as you hit an AI car (theres loads of them, going slow, and only change lanes to overtake, so they're fairly predictable) you're 'overtake' counter resets as does your speed, after about 90sec the timer runs out and next hit ends the game, where-as normally you'd go back to slow speed.

Its a fun game, reminds me of the fun i had when top-down racing was about all you had, and the simplicity of the concept with different styles of racing modes makes it great fun, esp with a few mates round.
S3 licensed
Seems im not the only Brit staying up to wait for eps of Lost

Season 4 has been a bit mixed for me, every single episode has been fantastic, and i have little doubt they're probably the best run of episodes in an established series there has ever been, 6 top quality eps which leave you completely satisfied yet desperately wanting more.
At the same time, its quite disappointing that were at season 4 and its taken this long to get consistantly kick-ass episodes on the show. I can only assume they felt the slower the story moved the longer they could run with things, and then maybe with the viewing figures and reviews starting to dip with season 2 & 3 people just got fed up with a story which wasnt look like it was going anywhere, and now they've realised they cant take the viewer for granted. Who knows, but whatever the reason thank god its come.

Pecker, Sky are 3 days behind, US air it at 3am GMT on Friday, Sky show it Sunday @ 9pm. Going OT for a moment, i personally believe if there wasnt such a delay between when an episode is aired in different territories, then most people wouldnt bother downloading the show. The only people losing out are the broadcasters who lose viewers which costs them in advertising. Sky showing the same episode only 66hrs after its aired in the US is definately a step in the right direction, and hopefully it'll continue. As far as i know Heroes hasnt even started Season 2 in the UK (unless one of the smaller stations has it, as they did until the Beeb picked it up), yet that aired in the states almost 5 months ago!

As for '24'.... what a show! Its pure crack broadcast in 1hr episodes
I plan on going through the DVDs and watching them all through again, i did the first season in 4 days (8eps in first sitting, intended on going to bed at midnight and watching the first ep, and somehow it was 6am before i managed to stop myself). Hopefully i'll get through all 6 eps before 7 starts, assuming Kiefer is out of the slammer now naughtly Jack
S3 licensed
As i said, im not fussed, i think front row probably doesnt make much difference, but if it was the difference between 2nd & 3rd (ie different rows) then it'd be annoying.

Eitherway, as the result stands its in order of who set the time first anyway, however had it been the otherway round it'd be questionable, but fortunately the explained method gives the same one as what most people would expect to be used, so

In future though i think the correct rule should be first to set the time gets priority.
S3 licensed
Seeing as Pecker hasnt highlighted it, he's recently updated his post, just incase you've updated the teams doc (unlikely as its still showing 24hr info).
S3 licensed
seems i got disconnected, and apparently im already online

Just posting to say we eventually got it fixed, after a lot of hair pulling and a crap load of help from Victor
Seemed to be an issue with lfs.exe processes, some failed processes were running and while they definately werent using insim ports we tried at later stages, they did seem to clear up once we killed all lfs processes and restarted them one by one.
Last edited by PaulC2K, .
S3 licensed
ok, terminated the EU1 server process, and restarted it.
Deactivated the insim relay connection, and restarted that also.

Im currently getting 'Connect attempt #' but no number saying which attempt its currently on out of the 15 it does. I'd assume that really it shouldnt take more than 2min to make the connection, im sitting in the server so i know its live, however it does seem something else is getting in the way.

Is it possible for other ports to be blocking this communication?
S3 licensed
funnily enough about 5min ago i figured it couldnt harm any to have both, still not making much of a difference

I actually C&P'd the line from your guide, i have:

-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 29991 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 29991 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 29991 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 29991 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

I think rooble added line 2, and 3&4 i added just a few minutes ago and have restarted iptables.

i'll kill the processes and restart them, incase that makes a difference (ive no idea) but currently its not having any effect. I'll report back in about 5min
S3 licensed
I've been having problems trying to setup the insim relay, and im just drawing blanks.

IP =
Port = 29991 (also 29992 & 29993, server ports are 63401-63403 )
insim details are included in iptables
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 29991 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT


cfg files have /insim=[port number] and ive been in and entered them manually too.

Currently it just says 'Updating...'
However a few hours ago it was 'Connect attempt #' (no number)
and eventually becoming dead once its fed up trying.

Anyone know of something else i can try? Im only just getting used to linux and slowly picking up things, but as far as we can tell (rooble & myself) everything seems correct, but obviously something isnt right somewhere. Been trying alsorts for the last 5hrs, getting nowhere fast.
Hoping to get the servers visable to LFS Remote for the LFS World Series event in.. 16hrs time
S3 licensed
Whatever happened to it being whoever set the time first? I dont know who that was, and not arsed as i doubt it'll make much difference, but isnt the general rule thats always been used IRL whoever set the time first gets the place?

Perfect example being Jerez, 1997 i think it was, in F1.
M.Schumacher, Villeneuve & Frenzen set the EXACT same pole time.
'Under the regulations of the Formula One world championship, in the event of drivers setting equal times in qualifying, the first driver to set the time is given precedence'
S3 licensed
Were not too worried about everyone running in race colours for the qual round, it'd be nice if they were co-ordinated (even if its a blank 1 colour job using you countries traditional colour), Tweak is a little pre-occupied with other things at the moment so its unlikely he'll be able to make these. If you want to do a 'botch job' for the time being then thats fine, or they can be left off till things start properly.

As soon as Tweak has chance, im sure he'll make the other decal templates available.
S3 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :I take it that the qual with all 11 countries + invites will be carried on this saturday?

The date in your signature - whats that? Can't find anything about it.

Yup, and its March '08, ie 2008 rather than the 8th.

Quote from mogster :It's 3 days to quali and nothing is official. And have u really thought this out all the way? Why pick the same day MoE is on.

What do you need to know that isnt posted on the first post last week?
Its the same day as MoE, but they're 5 hours appart IIRC, so its not exactly treading on anyones toes, its not exactly clashing and shouldnt cause any problems.
S3 licensed
probably not actually, most likely anything like this would go through the 'LFS:WS Managers Area' section of the forum which admittedly ive not given anyone but the admins access to so far hehe.
All matters which we feel need feedback on will be put in that thread and each elected manager will represent their countries opinion, likewise some important information like server passwords, which can then be passed onto your drivers in an appropriate manner without having the server pw in a publicly visable post. If everyone was using the same forum, it wouldnt be too hard, but because pretty much everyone is insisting on using other forums to chat rather than use the designated areas we'll need the TM's to make sure the information gets passed onto the people needing to know it etc.

The PM's were just the best choice given that we hadnt got people onto the forums and needed replies from either the countries sole representative or if that was undecided then the people up for election. It wasnt the ideal solution, but im not sure there was a better one given the circumstances.