What have i got to 'cmon' about, i didnt even make or imply the comment your telling me to 'cmon' about.
If it comes down to penalising people or visiting the new site to avoid penalties... c'mon
We can all put words in other peoples mouth, doesnt make it right.
The post was made 58hrs before the race, while >80% of the entrants are fast asleep and wont read for at least 8hrs, the thread entitled 'Drivers Briefing', which you say is what people should be reading, contains NO warning of DT penalties. The MoE website rules contains NO warning of this DT penalty, this very forum's rules contains NO warning of this DT penalty.
Theres a convenient lack of effort being made to announce to people this rule exists, instead theres a cryptic message telling everyone to go to the newly opened MoE website.
If what you trying to do is get people to put the correct logos on the cars, then all you have to do is make a GENIUNE attempt at asking people to do this, this has been the location for 99.9% of all pre & post race communications, the ONLY thing the MoE site has ever done is hold the 45% estimate, which most people dont need to know about, so wouldnt it make perfect sense if you want people to put the new logos on skins to just say so, not force people to visit the new site and if they dont give them a DT, because thats basically what its doing, but whatever it is it isnt exactly in the spirit of things is it, Its hardly trying to get the message out.
Personally it makes sod all difference to me, our skins had the logos on the Sunday night once the site went up, but as i said earlier it'd be a shitty way to end the series by handing out petty penalties because you refused to tell people on this forum. As i said in the 2nd paragraph of the previous post, what harm does it do giving proper warning of this new rule you'll be dishing out penalties for, even if you insist of forcing people to the MoE site for a couple extra page hits, give decent warning, thats my gripe, combined with p*ss-poor notice of its introduction. Unless you WANT people getting this penalty, make a proper effort to tell people they need to have these logos on, and theres a penalty for anyone failing to, currently its rather secretive which im pretty sure isnt the norm for a drivers briefing.
If you want logos on skins, just ask people. Help others help you, surely thats win-win for everyone
Im sure you dont want to hand out stupid penalties, so let people know better especially given the short notice.