Yeah, your right, my driving on the racing line well away from where you had crashed but stupidly hitting a car which couldnt give a crap about what else was going on around it and selfishly was just reversing from safety into the middle of oncoming traffic was completely my fault!
As for this line:
"Yellow flag? Incident ahead? Mean anything to you? I was trying to clear a dangerous part of the track (blind corners) and rejoin the race."
Not only HILARIOUS, but i think you'll find HYPOCRITICAL too, based on the fact that the SECOND time in 3 laps that you'd rolled it there, there also happened to be a yellow flag being given to YOU but you carried on full steam ahead and rolled it... again.
The first time you crashed you just carried on full steam after spinning it, you did exactly the same thing the 2nd time round too.
When *I* got the yellow flag i'd already passed 2 corners and you had just come into sight, up against the barriers, and apparently quite ignorant of everything else going on around you while you reversed into my path!
Not once were you looking backwards, you were facing forwards the entire time, meaning you MUST have seen me coming, yet despite this you carried on reversing, when you finally spotted me coming you put about 30% brake on and 40% throttle, by the time i'd hit you the most considerate brake/throttle you'd applied was 40%/30% and that was when you were right in the middle of the road!
"I was trying to clear a dangerous part of the track"
You were parked well off the racing line, you then reversed into the path of oncoming traffic, how is that clearing yourself into a safer part of the track than where you originally were?? The only people ending up over there are people who've crashed like yourself, they're already in danger, putting the car right into the middle of the track isnt what i'd call clearing yourself from harms way!
Had your car been in the middle of the road to begin with and you tried to move the car away and i ended up going the same way you did, then thats fair enough, however your car was never in a position that compromised other drivers, as you know damn well, so quit the innocent act.
"However, do yellows not apply to you, and you can drive into anything slower than you with no fault whatsoever?"
Yellows apply to me when i get warned of them, your car was well out of the way and of no danger to me where you were at that time. It wasnt MY actions that changed that situation, it was yours!
"If this really is the "standard" of drivers in leauges then I'll not bother"
If by 'standard' you mean 'capable' then yes, its a requirement!
Maybe you should try and learn more than just how to drive quickly, because racing is about far more than just yourself being quick, its about being aware of whats going on around you and sparing a thought for others instead of instantly and selfishly acting in your own best interest at the risk of others.
So, if your going to go down the high & mighty route, make sure you know what your talking about, because I had about a 1 second warning, less if you factor in the time to realise someone is stupid and selfish enough to start reversing into the middle of the road and then start to park it when it was right on the corners apex! You on the hand were warned by yellow flags way in advance, ignored it, crashed, didnt look if anyone was coming on the map and just started reversing!
When you can highlight a part of my comment which wasnt accurate then feel free to point it out, till then i stand by every word of it, everyone makes mistakes, but its your actions after them which completely disregarded anyone else that was racing that makes you a bad driver who can quite easily spoil other peoples race by actions that are easily avoidable.
The snapshots from the game show you had a yellow well in advance and you accelerated flat out through it with complete disregard to its warning, they also show the moment (no more than 0.25sec after) i got the message, your car isnt particularly visable at this resolution but it is just about at a proper resolution, but the final 3 show your car safely out of the way then suddenly parking right across the apex of the corner.