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S2 licensed
Loved it, good to see the Porsche was up for a bit of fun too - not slow is it!

Was tempted by a S1 Lotus Elise earlier in the year but really there seems no reason to not go for a much newer VX - other than 'image' I guess.
S2 licensed
Quote from DTrott :That reminds me, last tuesday when there was still alot of snow about, I saw a BMW driving around, they'd scraped snow off the front and side windows, but left the rear windscreen covered in snow.

Classic. Almost as good as the people who scrape clear a small circle directly in front of them, then leave 3 inches of snow on the rest of the screen.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I pronounce it ess-qee-ell

Why qee?

Surely 'Q' is pronounced cue, or queue etc.
S2 licensed
Im not so sure about the 9800GTX+. When I was looking at graphics cards the other day, contemplating upgrading, I found the GTX260 was about £30 more than the 1GB 9800 here in the UK, for me that's money worth spending given the performance increase at the resolution I use.

Out of interest what card did you upgrade from?

I decided in the end I'm not dropping any more money into my PC for a very long time, my 8800GTS is fine for now, spending another £200 just to play games doesn't seem worth it for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :one of my mates is going to HTID in the sun
so jealous

That so called line-up is pretty shit to be honest

i'd spend most of my time in the something born ravers area..

squad e

combined with MC storm and whizzkid

Yer but tbh no-one here gives a shit about the rave stuff you listen to.

Not going to this, but will be going to Dance Nation for a bit of a laugh.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yeah I remember this, IIRC they used a Golf GTI or something, mainly to measure extra power.:

Yer that's the one, and a new M5 I think, not sure how much they dwelled on fuel consumption but I'm sure there's a bit about it.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAD3.0LT :
if someone is driving dangeriously and they are doing it just to be a ASSHOLE not because they are in a rush not because they are impaitent these types of people dont desearve to live IMO

Lmfao. Please reevaluate human life.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :If anything it is likely to reduce power by mucking up the manufacturers designed gas flow, which were like they were for a reason.

Perhaps yer. It's not really any different from stock - same bore, no removed silencers etc - so I don't know. Not too bothered though it'll last longer than the car and as I now only use it for pootling around town, power isn't a big issue any more.
S2 licensed
Theres an issues of EVO from I guess a year or two back now that has a fairly comprehensive fuel test in it. Try getting hold of a copy if you can, I found it pretty interesting. I would try and scan it in for you but it wont be for a week or so as I don't have it with me atm.
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :The exhaust isnt just a chavvy rage backbox, its a performance system (£220 worth) and has given a healthy increase in power, especially once the revs are wound up.

Doubt it. I've got a cat-back Magnex system on mine (£350 worth if we're counting) but I didn't buy it for performance. I bought it because the stock exhaust was shot and I picked this stainless one up for less than the price of a stock new one, and I'm a chav at heart. Maybe it adds 1hp, maybe it doesn't, who knows/cares, its menial anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame : my dad and my dad got points on his license, and if he hadn't of rammed him, his license would've been completely clean.

Shit mate, really?

Oh wait...
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :

Interior might be fine actually but doesn't the tarmac look VERY blocky to you?
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :And i thought the drivers in austria are stupid

So what? What's the worst that's going to happen if some gold-digger picking her little darling up from school has to slow down a little in response to ramming her X5 up my arse? I couldn't care less tbh.
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :
But I have had it on 30 and 40 limit roads. As though doing the speed limit is some great crime to humanity.

Me too, I tend to drop it down to a casual 10-15mph and sit in the middle of the road. Tis fun to see the look on their face get angrier and angrier.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :4x AA, 8x AF set in LFS rather than in CCC.

Those are hi-res skins and I have got quite a few high quality textures and the like, so pretty good. Also running active AIM and MSN conversations and WMP in the background

Graphics in LFS set to as high as possible

2Gb of RAM, ATi 2900HD Q6600 (Both at standard clocks. :hide

What's up with your road/grass/interior textures man?
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Didnt had any errors. Only that stupid Sapphire gfx of mine gave me BSOD's. But that was their mistake, flashed bios and everything went fine.

Right that is exactly the point. Doesn't matter whos fault it is, 99% of people aren't going to reflash a BIOS, end of.
S2 licensed
You know what makes you really buzz? Something like this.

Ingredients: Natural Flavouring, Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (AAKG), L-Tyrosine, Dextrose, Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl, Beta Alanine, Glucuronolactone, Chocamine, Guarana Extract (22%), Sucralose.

I'm bouncing off the walls for an hour after drinking that, pretty intense.
S2 licensed
The only time I ever have energy drink of any description is with Vodka.

Can't see the point of it on it's own - a short boost then down again
S2 licensed
I used to like it back in the few years before the LFS Forum, but then it all fell to shit really :/
S2 licensed
Do the patches help with much? I'm still on the release version, but have had no problems at all other than missing textures when I bumped the settings up way to high.

Also whilst I'm here, Bladerunner I remember you saying you picked up a 9800GTX 1GB not long ago, was it a special deal at the time? I'm just looking around and wonder if I should upgrade.
S2 licensed
Wii every time. I don't see a market for handheld gaming any more, it just isn't special.
S2 licensed
Was pretty bored yesterday so thought I'd pick this up for the PC as my 360 isn't with me atm.

I was skeptical when people said it looked much better than the console versions, but it REALLY does. Only running on medium settings at 1900x1200 on my 8800GTS320 with lowish framerates, but it does look great.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :And.... what exactly is the difference between PCI-E and PCI-E 2.0?

Don't know but they should be backwards compatible.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :I know ... that's what I am saying.

Sorry yep I misread! Seem to be doing that a lot these days, too much beer perhaps :/
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :It never tastes as nice canned anyway.

Whoa what? Bottled beats canned.