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S2 licensed
Looks like a brilliant race, and great pics!

The very last one makes me laugh, insight into the setup used by some of the RAC drivers trying to make up for a missing rear ARB - tyres at 10psi!!
Gyroscopic Physics
S2 licensed
I was watching a video (tweaked) where by the XRT did a substantial portion of the drag strip on only two wheels.

The interesting thing was, the driver seemed to be able to make minor adjustments to the cars direction using the steering, despite the fact the wheels were no longer on the ground.

Does this mean gyroscopic wheel physics are simulated?

If so, the FXO wheels, being about as wide as Jennifer Lopez's sitting equipment
(Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got, she's still, she's still Jenny from the block.) must require a secondary engine in order to power the steering pump. I sure hope it has VVTi. :|

S2 licensed
Europe - The Final Countdown.mp3

It's brilliant.
S2 licensed
I like anything with wheels, tyres, a manual gearbox and corners, and an engine.
S2 licensed
You should just get some highlighters and colour over the bits you want to change.
S2 licensed
I bet they've banned "Sugar in your gastank" from being played on the radio at ferrari hq.
S2 licensed
Well done! Six lessons is well below par for the uk.

I passed first and second time .

Rember kids, the speed on a rounderbout is the same as the roads on which it is placed. You also get 4 different corners for the price of one. Brilliant.

And the reason American's will be like "6 lessons what the hell?" is because they don't know what country roads/alpine roads look like, nor rounderbouts, speed cameras, car insurance costing more than a car, successfully sustaining the national speed limit when you only have 1 litre of engine in the bonnet, motorbikes putting knees down on corners around you, and of course the ever present hazard known as the vauxhall nova/metro 1.1...


and mopeds... confidence inversely proportional to their 49cc engine size and 3bhp....
S2 licensed
That's cheered up my morning .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Wheel4Hummer: Patch XXX would be patch 30....

Roman Numerals MotherF***er can you read em!
S2 licensed
Yeah my engine mounts are made out of jelly... same with the exhaust mounts, I swear they make em slack to make it wiggle a lot when revving so it looks powerful... I mean, there is only so much slack you need right?

Thanks for the insight, that was exactly what I was lookin' for when I posted about it.
S2 licensed
+1 for cricket bat use.
S2 licensed
I never understood this big cuffufle about killing people anyway.
FWD lugging on acceleration
S2 licensed
I was practicing some road rally stuff a couple of days ago, and I noticed something that LFS seems to be lacking.

Under hard acceleration, when the front wheels are just breaking away from maximum traction, the car/engine/transmission all lug/judder.

For those who are not sure what I'm trying to articulate, it is the process by which when the front tyres apply sufficient torque between the chassis and the road to shift the weight to the rear of the car, concequently there is less grip, and less acceleration, so the weight transfers forwards again onto the front tyres, the process repeats at mb a rate of 8 times a second? This causes a juddering of loss/gain in traction.

Something like that anyway. I find the FWD LFS cars lacking in this respect, it is especially apparent in the overly smooth wheelspin off the line start. I would expect as the speed increased and the tyres regain traction, some form of lugging to occur.

I am not sure as to what aspect in the physics simulation would require tweaking to model this correctly, but I would take a guess at tyre traction regain calculations.

I would also like to note, that if you were thinking of adding any kind of TCS system into the front wheel drive cars, that causes the car to judder on acceleration, as the ABS stabs at the front brakes trying to keep the wheelspin managable. (I only say this because I would imagine all "stability" control and "brake help" will eventually be replaced by traction control, and ABS similar to real world counterparts.)
S2 licensed
Registering Interest - I can race karts far better than I can play LFS!
S2 licensed
Much as I feel sorry for the guy that was absolutely hilarious.
S2 licensed
Just thought I'd chuck in that I'm on an AI course at sussex university, just finished my second year.

Apparently its supposed to be one of the best universities in Europe, I have experience in evolutionary algorithms, neural net programming, and a mish mash of experimental garbage in between! I also spend any time not working on my degree focused on one type of motorsport or another, so my understanding of racing is very close to heart.

Just thought if there was anything I could do to help, I would be happy to stick a few hours in to help, plus I can ask my lecturers and post grad friends for assistance if required also - one of which just evolved a circuit that classifys electrical signals on the basis of frequency without using an internal clock of any description... it took a months worth of work just to work out how it was managing to do this!

I'm not holding my breath, I'm sure you are plenty capable on all accounts, but, just in case there's something I could possibly help with... well this is the best Racing Simulator on the marget!

Thanks again for patch X - I'm sure you've heard enough of that though!
S2 licensed
Technically, cooler, later in the day/cloudier races can be far more intersting, as the cooler air is denser so you get a more responsive, and ever so slighter more powerful engine (especially noticable in the turbocharged cars).

Combine this with a cooler track temperature, and concequently, slightly less grippy tires, although harder to overheat (read, more agressive without cooking your rubber) and you have a slightly better race all round.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Bothering to spell the thread title correctly would at least make it **appaer**(sp) that you had put SOME **effert**(sp) into making the thread.

**And**(gr) I'd agree, some descripion of what you're intending to do with the replays is a must.

C- A very poor effort for a moderator, see me after lessons.
S2 licensed
"13-second per lap power boost facility are also being considered."

It's going to interesting if there are any straights that are over 13 seconds long... the car would slow down, before the braking point for the corner when it suddenly goes back down by 60bhp, and the top speed drops... how unpredictable.

I wonder if their 13's boost system looks like this....

S2 licensed
If I had that subaru I'd be rallying it twice a month... the only place a car with that much grip can be fun in the uk is when you take the tarmac out from underneath it...

the rest of the time they're just too stuck to the road for anything that isn't going to take out a by-stander/driver to be interesting.

Same goes for the last motorbike I owned, 65mph is still first gear for crying out loud, where in this big brother society can you even begin to use that except on a track.
S2 licensed
Car thirteen in the last picture in the first set of screenshots is probably doing it wrong.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Looks absolutely brilliant.

Hairdresser comments are for people who are jeleous of what you own.

Straight lines are boring - 300zx is too heavy to be any real fun, bar the occasional 0-150, before the totalitarian state nab you.

Black is for posers, race drivers choose primary colours - works better with the sponsorship stickers!!

I want to see track video's ASAP.
S2 licensed
No - Sadly my pc isn't up to both recording and simulating at the same time!!

Essentially it is just a video of me beating a shed load of AI cars on Blackwood driving the BF1 in reverse...