The earliest thing I can remember is back at old old blackwood spending hours with someone (whose name escapes me) just trying to teach me how to drive a decent lap and chase a time. I was probably like 14 or so at the time. Kinda miss the old old blackwood aesthetic though.
Shouldn't need anything special assuming the wheel is getting its data from DirectInput over USB. If it's using telemetry as a side-channel for this data you might have more issues
There's more than just CVT transmissions that support hybrid deployment though. LMDh prototypes combine the hybrid + ICE power output with a torque limit at the rear wheels to restrict ultimate output (roughly 500 HP) and allowing the hybrid deployment to reduce fuel usage of the ICE (which then, for balancing purposes, the fuel tank stops being measured in Litres/KG, but energy output across a stint.
There's also LMH cars which when equipped with hybrid, deploys from the front wheels but only above a certain speed (which in some cars, the ICE proceeds to reduce its operation to conserve fuel) as the power output between both ICE + Hybrid is still restricted to a certain number (roughly 500HP, BOP purposes can +/- that number)
Personally having "race" hybrids is more interesting than road car hybrid implementations.
I mean NASCAR has, at various points, used different left vs right compounds to create desired handling characteristics, including super hard tyres on the left (which teams immediately cheated and put them on the right).
Yeah but in the last like 10~ years, pretty much Kunos has been the only one releasing "new" sims. With ACC and now AC Evo. LMU is just rF2, common bugs and all. iRacing is an eternally evolving product.
And so with every "new" sim, the same throttle model topics arise. Here, in the AC forums as well as the iRacing forums with the same video linked.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing that it gets discussed multiple times and improving it would help the intuition of driving higher powered cars, it's just funny to me that this one topic pops up again and again.
It's loud about this everywhere. Pretty much every time a new sim comes out that fails to do it, the same thing ripples through the rest of the sim communities, bringing it up yet again.
This time AC Evo doesn't do it right, despite being "new physics" and here we are again.
It also doesn't seem to be particularly beneficial for Scawen to basically give away licences in a country just becuase that country has a particularly high sales/"import" tax.
I wonder how much of that take is becuase Jimmy is sponsored by Moza, along with the fact his racing career probably has only involved cars with power steering.
Things like Indycars can easily generate 20+NM IRL. While that's pretty uncomfortable to simrace with unless you do a lot of preparation, I find that the 10~ NM of my T818 gives me a decent amount of range to not run it fully out but also know that I'm never gonna have forces clip.
Given it sounds like a sizeable issue has been the 2 versions of LFS (the current public version and the "new" version) that are very divergent and the intent behind releasing the retro physics version is to bring the public and "new" version into sync, it defies logic to fork the community between 2 versions like that.
At a certain point, your "low end PC" becomes "obsolete PC". It's impossible to want LFS (or any sim) to progress and improve without eventually saying goodbye to certain PCs.
Like if your PC's GPU doesn't support DX11, that PC is obsolete. DX11 was released nearly 15 years ago for Microsoft Vista. We've gone through 2 good and 2 bad Microsoft OS releases since then! My 10 year old CPU (which I've upgraded twice since then) has DX12 support in the integrated GPU. I haven't tested, but I probably can run LFS on the integrated GPU at a reasonable frame rate.
For SteamVR to work on PC with Oculus while wired or wirelessly with Oculus Link, you'll have the Oculus software installed as well. If you're using something like Virtual Desktop or Steam Link to do wireless VR from your PC to Oculus then you won't have Oculus software installed and SteamVR would be your only option.
You really should be using the Oculus API rather than SteamVR on a Oculus device. The difference isn't huge, but the overhead of SteamVR => Oculus API => Headset adds extra load and in some cases can cause issues with the picture
Important to note that WMR is officially depreceated by Microsoft and Win11 24H2 (the latest update rolling out now basically) removes all support from WMR. At some point in the future (2025/2026), Microsoft will also remove all ability to download the SteamVR adapter/drivers/Microsoft Store app which are all required to use the headset.
I'd also recommend trying, wherever possible, to use OpenComposite to bypass SteamVR and use WMR directly with OpenXR (need to set WMR as your OpenXR runtime, google for more info). It'd be great if LFS supported OpenXR directly as then there's only 1 API to support rather than SteamVR + Oculus APIs separately and then Steam/Oculus/WMR/others provide their own OpenXR runtimes.
It's really a shame that WMR got killed because the G2 is really this perfect balance headset of great picture without an extreme resolution that becomes impossible to drive in other sims without a space heater for a GPU.
People are also notoriously bad for sharing credentials across sites. Just takes someone bored enough to wire up a script to see what matches against here.
There's also a lot of good work being done with the Asahi Linux project where modern AAA windows games are being run successfully on Linux with a "home grown" graphics driver for Apple has been written from scratch and even implements newer OpenGL and Vulkan.
For me I see that as the "path" for playing more games on the ARM Macs. Linux driver support for wheels is fairly mature with decent tools to adjust rotation and other settings as well.
The latest demo shows Control and Ghostrunner running at playable frame rates which is very interesting!