I know it's been mentioned a number of times before, I just couldn't find the answer. Am in planning stages for a league and need to know which tracks (if any still?) are limited to less racers on track.
I had a look at all my fox setups, most had downforce around about 1/3 or 1/2 of maximum. As cadet was the highest of the 10 or so tracks I'd set it up for, and it was about 2/3.
Prior to positive boost, manifold pressure is still substantially higher in turbocharged cars than NA. The turbo is still pushing air around, it just hasn't reached the arbitrary line in the sand you're drawing, of positive boost.
Can I ask what the plans are re future patches? Are many more features (and the corresponding bugs) going to be added in this round of test patches, or are we likely to see a proper patch fairly soon? (ie, once the bugs are sorted) I understand if this is not known or divulged at this point... but it would be handy to know for league planning
We ran a league series with the xrt and rb4 recently - we selected tracks where the hotlaps were as close as possible. They were roughly equal for qualifying, but in the cut and thrust of racing over a course of laps the rb4 had a significant advantage. I think the rb4 should get the 20kg instead of the xrt...
edit: We typically run multiple 15 minute races for the league.
One point in favour of a 'middle option' for resetting, is that LFS's current collision dynamics leave something to be desired... having an important race ruined because you clipped the wrong section of wall or scored a lag moonflight, is going to be rather frustrating. I'm a fan of the notion of going without resets, but not until the collisions are more realistic.
This new system is a pain and contrary to how pretty much every other forum works. Yep, I know it's easy enough to click that I've read the posts, but no, I'm not going to remember or bother Enough to stop me browsing the forum I think.
Why? I prefer the more accurate 'mid range' with clipped extremes, because it feels more like reality, and not drab and muted and computer gamey... why is this wrong? It's pretty clear in LFS that you're focus is going to be on the road in front of you.
24 may be a great number to have in a race - I asked the question because it would be extremely useful for some leagues, (that would be stuck with servers of 12/13 racers if 25 signed up) and I don't understand where the difficulty lies in increasing the arbitrary value, nobody has to use the max if they don't like it
When you stand by the window in a room and look out, you don't see the outside in muted shades of grey because you also have the room in your peripheral vision. Reality gets far, far brighter than our monitors, you may 'prefer' the compressed look, neither is necessarily more accurate.
But you provide a more realistic on screen representation of the 'middle area' of dynamic range. It changes the on screen range to a combination of compressed and clipped, instead of just heavily compressed... it's a personal taste thing I guess.
Without hdr, it acts like your eyes if your eyes had a much lower range. HDR tries to compensate for this.
Yes, definately not hdr, but still good imho
To set colour settings for individual games these days with nvidia you need rivatuner or the like. The extra contrast gives a more realistic look, rather than the heavily compressed, grey and drab, standard.
even on a decent pc (athlon 3500, 6800gs, 1gb) I find vsync causes me big issues - large grid start at south city or the like and everything goes jerky.
edit: this is not a test patch issue, it has always been the case.
how does the remember password feature in bfs work? Every week I go to log on as admin on GSA-XGN Ozbee-R, it has the correct password in the field, I click to connect, it loads lfs, tries to connect with a blank password, I exit, and the password field in bfs is blank.
Is there some sort of server check that occurs that would blank the password?