Your examples other than camber are wrong, in my experience. Lowering tyre pressure down a few psi doesn't give you more low speed grip and less high speed. Tyre pressure is also critical for temperature and speed. There is a point where you can adjust camber for either better low or better high speed, but if you set it for high speed you destroy tyres much quicker. Throwing differentials, anti-roll, and and toe settings in is quite laughable, all have a similar effect at all speeds.
I found myself in a situation at Aston North, with the fo8, where I was trying to tweak the balance for the loosest (thus fastest, and best cornering) setup I could handle. I had my tyres set at a level where they worked well for the low speed sections and didn't overheat. 1 click of downforce either way was a massive change to vehicle handling. High speed cornering a touch loose, low speed cornering not loose enough. What would you suggest? half or a quarter degree of downforce on the rear, and a little more rear anti roll, would have been the perfect, simple, logical solution.
People can still adjust it in 1 degree increments if they want to! Having smaller changes possible doesn't suddenly make it harder to work out the effect of a change.