A car that allows Mark Webber to qualify THAT much ahead of Alonso, Hamilton, Rosberg and the rest isn't completely 'dominant'? The RBR's strengths are its design and technology. Vettel is top class, but he isn't the main factor at play here.
But technically speaking AC isn't fully released yet so I am happy to get what we are getting atm. You can of course wait and pay full whack when it is fully released of course.
I can run through maybe 40 tracks or so in my head without any problem at all if not many many more. And that's at least 400-600 consecutive corners. The brain can remember 140 easily.
Why don't you set up your own open source sim instead of coming on this forum having absolutely no knowledge about how the developers want to work on LFS?
I can't talk about car physics as I am clueless to be honest, but cars yaw and do all sorts of weird things, especially through the first braking zone at imola. So where the weight is being shifted isn't black and white.
I load the front end as I turn in, the car is then yawing and we have small direction change. So lifting of the brake isn't a pure front to back affair... etc...
My point being all sorts of weird things go on and all I know is AC correlates pretty well with my real world experience.
I don't use ABS, but you have to release the brakes gently and load the front end sufficiently. I smash the brake hard then trail them in and the nose tucks into the corner. it feels mint to me. If you just release the brakes too fast then you will bring the rear around.
Also, anyone know when the Lotus 98T will be release?
I am saying what is stopping Christian Horner setting up a company in his wife's name to develop hydraulic components? RedBull sub-contract the development of the hydraulic components to this company at a very good price. This company makes a loss, but so what, it's not owned by RedBull. All that turns up on the account book for RedBull is they spent £x on hydraulic components. I am just giving a example of a possible loophole that if some very smart f1 team wanted to they could exploit (in a less obvious way of course)
Some of the best government lawyers can't catch up with 'tax evaders' what makes the FIA think they can impose these regulations.
Of course the F1 teams will find loopholes in the budget plans. Setting up separate business that are designed to make a loss so you can sub-contract them development and so on. The FIA can't get nose regulations correct, so I don't see how they can afford decent financial lawyers.
I am talking more about indulging people's desire to see the old cars being driven. The noise etc...
If a sim ever was able to emulate the look of reality and sound then a casual viewer wouldn't be able to distinguish between the two. If someone is told that it's real... they wouldn't know any difference.
Tristan is right you don't have all the nuances, but really very few people even recognise they exist. A nuance of F1 is that it isn't the best 24 drivers in the world, yet most people don't recognise this.
But I am talking about visual satisfaction. I like to go on Youtube and watch videos of amazing cars an safety isn't a factor. I don't go on youtube and watch electric cars... they don't have the same visceral experience. I suspect if Formula E was on AC and we also had 80s/90s F1 cars it's obvious which one most would choose.
I am just thinking in the future when everyone is racing electric cars and it won't translate well to TV is Paris Bercy is anything to go by. That's where I have a gut feeling sim racing can possible come in and provide a visual experience that's appealing... It's hard to articulate what I am trying to say here haha
I guess it's like digital music. It's better to watch a band live. The depth, the nuances etc... but we still put on a song on Spotify to satisfy a desire to hear and experience something.
Kind of a strange question and I am not sure where to put this or whether there is such a demand for a topic but it got me thinking.
The hypothetical is this (based upon the advancement of sims i.e AC) - let's say we could create a photo-realistic environment with audio realism too for a sim. On TV it would be very hard to distinguish between the that and reality. I don't think we are that far away, the physics are already pretty close.
So pick any era of F1, let's just mid 90s with the Ferrari V12s but whatever is your favourite, as a punter what would you rather watch on TV - Formula E or that?
The reason I sight Formula E is because from a spectator point of view the lack of noise and vibration and excitement could be a turning point for the future of motorsport from a fan's perspective.
It should be noted any 'massive' aero gains will be subject to FIA pressure no doubt. The cars are no quicker now than they were in 2009 despite many innovations and developments.
Depends. GP2 are 5-10 seconds slower at the moment. It's not unusual for the lower classes to match back of the grid F1 pace in the past. I guess the real issue is how much slower they'll be compared to F1 from circa 2004
Plenty of bands play around with songs in 'BETA' phases on tours gauging crowd reactions and so on and making adjustments. i.e 'adding contributions upon studying.' So in fact fans are paying to listen to songs that are not complete. I did recently at a Susanne Sundfor gig. She played a new song for the first time, which if I divide ticket prices by set list - 20/10 let's say, cost me £2. I have listened to latest versions of said song and it's changed. Am I complaining I listened (or in your term 'paid') to a WIP song? No, because I am not stupid and it was fantastic. Not that LFS should be described as a WIP considering that until recently it was one of the most complete sims ever.
So again, another comparison proved.
When you buy S1 or S2 you are not buying a BETA product. That IS the product you buy. No ifs no buts. Sure it may still be being developed, but that's not an uncommon model. Restaurants for example constantly tweak and develop recipes but you wouldn't say a menu item is in 'BETA' phase or a WIP.
People attach these weird dramatic and emotion words to threads like 'death' and 'no development' (what I really think is people just get a weird kick out of being dramatic hoping that they will be proved right that it's 'dead'). Scawan really couldn't be clearer.
And £24 for S2.... you really do not have ANY right to complain at all. It's still a fantastic simulator for pocket money.
The only reason I am bothering to post here is to hope that some people might read this and understand you don't have to be a corporate bore to get on in life.