What you describe really isn't F1. It's a game of politics, not the 'spirit' of sporting and technical regulations. If the teams don't like that, that's .... their problem.
The tyres are a product of demand, that demand being more entertaining races. If the races aren't entertaining, then it is Pirelli's job.... no... duty... to change the tyres to improve the show. This is very very very clear. This was clear day one.
The teams knew in advance compounds and so on could be changed mid-season. It was a very plausible possibility after the Barcelona test highlighted that we could be seeing too many pitstops and too higher deg.
If it is somehow within the sporting and technical regulations that Pirelli can change compounds and structure (which I believe it is) then this move is 'part of the sport' and the teams just have to 'deal with it' because it's the 'same for everybody'
I don't particulary like the current tyres, nor do I like the fact we ahave a tyre manufacturer can manipulate the championship in this way, but it IS part of the sport, and it IS legal, and that means the teams just have to get on and live with it.
OK, if you want to believe that that's fine. I thought the tyre situation was terrible even when Hamilton had a decent car last year.
but I am talking about from a sporting/language perspective. Anybody with even the briefest understanding of how F1 works would see where I am coming from and how stupid people sound when they infer it's somehow unfair Pirelli are changing to the tyres. And the fact all you can attack me with is some comment about Hamilton shows either you lack the understanding of what I am saying, or having no arguement against it.
Who mentioned Hamilton? This has nothing to do with Hamilton.
It's the stupid argument people use, and it is stupid, that somehow F1 teams should just 'deal with it' if they can't get the tyres to work. Totally forgetting that F1 constantly changes to political and market pressure. If you're team is in such a weak political position that the FIA/Bernie don't give a **** about yu then 'you deserve to lose'. You see my point. You can come at the 'deal with it' vibe from any angle.
All the teams who have got the tyres right, are stupid for allowing a spec-manufacturer to have the ability to change tyre spec mid-season. That's a weakness ont heir part as much as other teams weakness to design cars that can't deal with the tyres.
If Lotus can't adapt to the imminent changes in the tyres this year by Pirelli, then they deserve to lose.
It's such a stupid arguement that people are using "oh it's unfair to change the tyres" etc...
We all know we have a spec tyre manufacturer whose job is it to manufacturer tyres that provide entertaining races. This is the demand from the public. If the demand from the public says "this is too much" then it's Pirelli's job to change the tyres to meet the new demand. Supply and demand... it's very basic to understand.
If a team builds a car that's good on cheese tyres, great, but they also have to fully expect that those tyres could change at any moment during the season. It's tough tits, THEY have to adapt mid-season as much as the other teams had to adapt pre-season.
This is a direct result of the ambiguous request by the FIA to have a spec-tyre which provides 'entertainment'. If Lotus are caught out, tough, shoulda thought about that before they built a decent car on cheese tyres. This is the modern game of F1.
He could have worked every day and every hour (like F1 teams) and still come up with not much... funnily enough like several F1 teams. All sims seem to have 'decent' tyre models... but even F1 teams are struggling massively to get to the next level of accuracy.
Looks like a hyper-inflation graph from Zimbabwe. More isn't necessarily better. Sure you get a brief economic boost for a few years, then BAM no one gives a shit anymore and it all goes to shit
I happen to think from a commercial standpoint Pirelli and DRS have worked. But the FIA and Bernie have to be careful that this doesn't go too far that these 'races' suddenly become valueless as a spectacle.
LFS is only facing what every other developer is facing - advanced tyre models are ****ing complicated. The only difference is LFS doesn't release a new graphic engine, or new tracks, or new cars to hide the fact there are still fundamental issues.
I am not sure I'd be overly happy for LFS to release a few new tracks and cars, with a slightly updated tyre model, just to please the masses and to earn a few extra bucks. It would be a betrayal of the developer's philosophy of 'it'll be done when it's done'.
When or if (does it matter?) LFS does release an updated tyre model you know fine well it will be market leading product. There's no subscription to LFS, it's not like iRacing when you have to constantly pay and the developers are pressured into putting out something, we're not losing out.
I kinda mental that if we all hypothetically are committed to buying S3, we've got some dude working his arse off with the pure motivation to get something right. If he is finding constant problems, and not releases rubbish, fair play. What is it gonna cost us? £12? mental!
It's not blatant at all. his rear gets tags and he gets 'sucked' into the cars. Only takes a small touch to start a chain of events. not blameless... but far from blatant.
Back when I was a kid that was called a racing incident.
Is usual for cars in iRacing to perform miracles on first lap performance? The handle very strange. The car just yaws as you release the brakes without any hesitation. Doesn't feel right. Then the rears go a bit and then the fronts, and eventually about 5 laps into a stint you actually feel like you are driving a normal car instead of some weird floating oddness?
Looks like Hamilton and Alonso have done sort of luck swap this year. Alonso has quickest car but can't seem to take full advantage of it through bad team calls, and Hamilton has managed to drag the Merc into 3rd in the WDC race without doing anything that spectacular.
It was a weird race. All the cars that were racing ended up behind those that just chilled. Most evidently Lewis Hamilton, well, until the end anyway. So much for lewis the tyre eater
Sinbad, you're wasting your breath, or typing shall we saw. There are types of people in this world who want to revel in other people's failures, or perceived failures. It's like some people get some weird perverse enjoyment out of it, mainly because they want to bring down people who've achieved something to their level.
The developers couldn't have been more clear about the situation LFS is finding itself in, so any discussion regarding its development that leads to 'it's dead' nonsense is only people trying to make themselves feel better. They are also demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of the LFS business model.
I think some of you morons get some 'enjoyment' out of saying the same old 'LFS is dead... tired old horse'. You only do it to make yourself feel better because you haven't achieved anywhere near as much as Scawan and co and want to revel in their demise (well imagined demise)
LFS can take 5 years or 10 years for all I care. Still an amazing sim. Formula Xr online still provides some of the best racing you'll find anywhere.
She could have easily won that weekend, and she outpaced de vries all weekend... who was at the time, and still is the next big superstar at McLaren F1.
Certainly being a lass will help her, but she's the real deal. Admittedly she is at that age where it can go either way. There does seem to be a common theme with girl drivers, and this is purely anecdotal, where they start to lose interest or veer off. I think it's more to do with a numbers thing, as many lad drivers do exactly the same.
But on PURE performance and speed and aggression she has enough in my opinion. No less than half the f1 grid. if I were RedBull, to counter the extra attention she'll now recieve and thus the pressure that comes with that, I'd make sure everything is done so she gets decent results.
Actually, having followed her career since around 2009/2010, I don't really think she's 'taken' advantage of being female all that much, hence why I rate her higher than others and recognise she's a bit 'different'. Though no doubt a lot of pressure will be thrust upon her now to take advantage. I think that's where the risk of burnout comes in. They might need to rush her through because the hawks will start circling.
Certainly there are lesser female drivers in lower categories that have taken advantage, but something like karting is very unforgiving, and she was competing at the front of KZ1 with the best. Dino Chiesa (the guy who deals with all of McLaren's protege's in karting) said she definitely has enough raw talent. He went on to say she'd have an easier time in cars than KZ1. but then again you are going from racing paid professionals to racing mostly rich kid amateurs.
She was a bit like Bianchi funnily enough. Was always there or thereabouts, but never quite had the experience to win a major title. Maybe if she continued karting for several more year it would have been different, who knows? And if you want to know how competitive that is just check how well Jaime Algeursauri (and Schumacher.. well he won't race he hasn't got the pace) are doing at the moment in that category.
But karting talk aside, I hope she makes it, if nothing else because she's a bloody good driver to watch. Aggressive... just the way I like em
She's decent sinbad. She's not purely a PR exercise. Winning a championship, well who knows, but She did things in KZ1 other male drivers (who are now considered 'talent based' drivers) could only dream of.
I think she's good enough to be signed. She's certainly the fastest female kart racer since Lotta Helberg. She led the KZ1 World Cup against the world's best karters, in 2011, so this is not a pure PR exercise, like others I can mention. The fact she competed on a level with drivers I respect more than 90% of the F1 grid means to me she has it. Don't forget she won a Formula ADAC race the day after she broke her back, despite not knowing it at the time
Who knows, only time will tell. but that's true for any signing.
btw f1 will never be the best 24 drivers in the world. Never has been, never will be.