modding would just have to be done with a sensible approach. look at other games that got it wrong and learn from those. I'm sure a good system could be thought of, no need to divide LFS up in different versions.
Maybe, just maybe LFS will be moddable in the future and some sort of SDK like package would have to be released to accomplish that. But there has never been any confirmation from the devs about that, it's just something part of the community has begun to take as a certainty.
I can say with a 99,99% certainty that currently NO modding tool has been planned.
If an SDK will ever be released, it will be after the release of S3. It makes no sense to develop mods while the platform itself is still in development.
I know the "article" is meant to be tongue in cheek but why are they insinuating you're a PC snob if you think like this?
I mean, especially points 9, 8, 5, 4, 3 and 2 are undeniable truth's if you ask me, nothing to do with being a snob
Are you using the same acount you used to buy LFS?
When did you buy it? I believe sometimes it can take some time before your status on the forum is updated.
That's because it's a bumpmap. A bumpmap creates the illusion of depth on a surface. the white parts are the normal "height" of the surface, the black parts indicate which parts should appear to be of lower height. This is then processed by for instance a game to fake depth. So it has nothing to do with colouring the tyre.
And there's no other file that controls the rubber colur, like I said it's vertex colored.
Well, obviously you showed your ignorance about the search function right in your first post. Just because you don't know how to use the search function properly doesn't mean you can just ignore it and post away because you can't be bothered.
Secondly, why do you care so much about what others think. What does it matter to you if people hate or dislike something? You said you like both racing and drifting. Fine, good for you. Why would you care why other people dislike either of them? I'm sure people have their reasons. You don't see people asking drifters why they hate or dislike racing do you?
So one can only know what they're talking about unless they drove thousands of laps on the oval? lol
You're right, nobody understands your problem. Maybe you're one of the very few finding this a problem? The question is are all those people crazy, wrong and ignorant, or could it be that just maybe you're overreacting?
Hint: you WILL lose your WR someday, and not just once.
LFS is a game undergoing development, things have changed in the past, more things will change in the future. Get over it, get a life, move on, stop crying.
One thing I notice BTW that whenever something "bad" is said about oval racing, the standard reply is "you don't drive the oval much, so you can't have an opinion on it".