yeah yeah, silicon is the main component but do you think all the other components do have the same melting point? And just in case you have forgotten to set a proper temprature level in the bios, its most definitively going above 90°C. Also, the sockets are mostly build out of plastic and even the main components of the mainboard most probably wont last for long at 90°+.
well ignoring that table, your statement sounds more generalized which means even cpu's with a max temp of 90°C would get damaged or die after a while, while running at ~60°C?
If thats true then i was pretty lucky, had a 2800+ running with something around 55°C to 65°C for a couple of years and i bet its still working but i had to remove the dust from it first :P
not sure if these values are correct at all but the point is that it depends on the CPU model and manufacturer. So both of you guys are wrong, in a way
fastest car in terms of technical values (handicap included) or in terms of skills & knowledge? I think it doesn't really matter which car has slightly more (dis-)advantages here and there because in the end its always a combination of a good driver and a good setup.
Edit: of course, at some point those differences are having big effects but i think when you reach those levels youre a nutter most probably.
Of course, youre right but just have a look at some people in this and many other threads regarding this issue. They want to get rid of that view completely. Now as same as many users start with mouse or keyboard also many users could start with the chase view, even if its just once in a while to get a better feeling or to see how the vehicle is reacting in several situations (weight transfer, behaviour under braking or acceleration, tire deformation blah blah) Besides, if its really that useless why would we have a discussion about it?
I agree. Lets just respect each others opinions about it and see what will happen. And trust me, it was not my intention to manipulate anything rather then that was i just curious about some people's opinions but none answered yet. They demand to get rid of a simple view which has no influence on them whatsoever so im just curious about how far they would really go...but anyway i dont really care anymore. I think its the last time im replying into a thread like this where its obvious that there cant be a conclusion without the developers opinions.
Im not a scientist and im not 100% about these facts but the point is, one flat screen will never reproduce or emulate the humans field of view 100%, right? Therefore, at least for me its comprehensible that some people are able to handle the cockpit view and some people cant. Same goes for the other way around. Maybe its just a question of settings, resolution, FOV, acceleration shifts viewpoint and so on but whatever the reason might be, i dont like the idea that everybody is forced to adjust his own compromise between realism and individual affectations regarding the settings i have mentioned before, at least not for public servers.
So in this respect im asking the same guys who voted with no: would you also vote with -1 when its about the controllers? Forced wheel, maybe even forced wheel with clutch only? Because for my understanding this would be the next step. What about three monitors? Isn't it unrealistic to press a button to look slighty to the left or right when you can have 2 additional monitors which draw that particular view (afaik)?
Ah its my own mirror, never noticed that. Must be because i never really cared about it. Thanks and maybe its already on the to do list.
Looks like you missed the point a bit bc i have never seen somebody saying that the chase view is realistic or even more realistic then the cockpit view. All i heard is that they simple cant drive in the cockpit view which i understand, in some way. Think about it, whats the field of view of a human eye? Something around 180 degrees per eye which makes a total of something around 360. Now im a pure cockpit user but i have to think different when i drive in a game or simulator since the field of view is smaller. So in situations where i would normally just look around or look straight and still see the vehicle(s) around me i have to either get a feeling for the traffic (one is overtaking me -> way/time/speed guessing) or simple press some buttons to look around. Now in this respect i can imagine that some people got big problems with this and they get what they need when they switch to chase view, more or less. And as same as i am unable to drive proper in another view, others are unable to change theirs.
Now my point is and as you have already said (LFS should maintain configurability) why should it be forced when most of the server admins are clever enough to decide whether or not an individual option is useful or not for their own preferences. What if we had just two buttons to decide from. Either realistic/ hardcore mode or normal/ public mode. This would of course include settings for the view, controller, reset option and everthing else that devides ultra realistic (league like) conditions from public "5 minutes sprints". A filter in the server list would make it visible for everybody and nobody would be harmed. Just like the oval, we're there for ages and you where able to ignore us at all time (afaik) and be honest, does it bother you in any way (the Server in the List )?
I think its odd to have a view which one is able to drive with and get used to but you aint get a mirror bc its not realistic enough? Maybe we are still at a stage where i hasn't been dicided yet which way LFS will actually go. Pure hardcore or adjustable and user friendly simulation (which would not exclude the hardcore mode of course).
Either way is stupid, think about it. Youre not forced to use the chase cam view and you've got also the option for forced cockpit now. So where the problem? I see, just for opinions sake. I dont get riled up by your comment but i think its funny since youre seemed to be a smart guy, once in a while. Anyway....
btw, the so called "real mirrors" are not realistic as well, i cant see the hatrack nor the rear window heating and when im looking into the mirror of the car infront of me, i cant see my own car but the car behind me ^^ Yeah yeah...its still an alpha...but i see a tang of inrony in here
actually, i got your point, at least i think you used some sort of sarcasm (cmiiw) Especially after reading your answer i have to say that i didnt meant you in personal but everyone else that's ready my comment and is thinking the opposite way. (but i think you got it since it also sounds a bit like a reason for house advertising, in a positive way obviously ) If everyone would do it like you, and maybe just as much as possible (depending on money etc) then the progress of GW will drop dramatically. Of course it wouldn't stop it since its most likely a natural progress but then again we could at least say that we did something against the negative side effects of the industrial revolution, forced by ours and many genrations before us.
This reminds me on sept, 11 where a scientist collected data from all over the united states regarding air- temperatures. Even if it was a hot summer day, tempratures decreased between -2 -5 degrees as far as i remember. Just because the hole air traffic has been cancelled? (i think it was inside here Global Dimming) Now having this in mind, imagine what would happen if mankind changes its habits radically.
When gas is running out, we are forced to go the right way. Hopefully.
Edit: i'd like to highlight my favorite reply here made by FL!P. Thanks buddy, youre the man REPLY
Nah, that would be too easy....wait, some already did, how dare you lazy apes . Sometimes i wish i had this ability as well, to ignore facts and make my own little (false) statements based on superficial knowledge or hearsay. I mean life would be so easy...... and ohh so boring. No offence but if you believe that mankind is not responsible for the GW up to a certain point or if you think that we are unable to alter the dimensions of this problem then my friend, whoever you are, youre utterly stupid. Maybe im wrong and/or maybe this GW thing is a really hoax and just another campaign to let us all pay more money and lose the rest of our autonomy.
lol, im curious about your results then. Anyway, in case that would happen, Mods would get even more into trouble with language barriers, irony and sarcasm and in the end of the day, everybody is banned, even mods and devs unless they do not forget the smilies :P
IQ? lol, do a couple of test's and your IQ will raise exponential "on the paper". Those test are not complex enough and got nothing to do with the actual intelligence. Its just a test to get a clue, a tiny fragment about the capability of our brains. But...whatever, just judge every person by its IQ...lets see how far you get with this attitude.
maybe the software you have installed in the past few days is responsible for this or you accidentally messed up the graphic settings (drivers: AA and AF) ? You could also defrag the HDD where lfs is located at. Also make sure that only applications running in the background that you really need. Speaking about auto update functions and performance saving. Btw, a drop from 120 to 100 is not a problem at all. You only have to worry if its getting below 30
Why should we deal with this trash when the godlike creators could just send it to the devs? Why cant you just test it offline? Why cant you just contact the devs immediately when you have got clear evidence about such things? I dont get it.
lol, shotglass, the guy who always has got such strange avatars.:vomit: I prefer having fun on the track instead of pressing the F5 key 24/7 in order to beat jakg Compare the fun on the oval with the pain in ur'anus. You cant see them, but they are there. Now hate it & ignore it, i dont care but please, get lost with this boring and meaningless anti oval behaviour, just in case there's anything else left Or when was the last time you replied to one of my comments in a different way? Btw, we are in the off-topic section, never put too much value into the stuff in here because if you do, then the hole forum is getting a offtopic- yunkjard.
When im bored with something? Two choices left, right? Either ill do something else or just "nothing". Nothing btw does'nt rly fit since the brain is always active, even when youre sleeping. Anyway, do you remember the last time you where doing nothing at all? I dont mean when you're sleeping, lying (<-strange word btw) in coma or anything simular. Im talking about just sitting around and thinking or even trying not to think about something at all, just enjoying life and the moment. Just in case you'll try it out, dont overplay it or it can cause irreparable damage to your brain ^^. Theres always something to do and i consider this as something else to do, because according to my definition it is something, isn't it? Whatever...
Well i think it was a great opportunity to finally meet eachother after about two years or so speaking to eachother over ventrilo. I really enjoyed this trip and i think we all had a nice time down there (even if we're all not gay, afaik ) I mean it was the perfect vacation, lots of sun, beach, drinks & parties, girls (around ) and this is why i count this experience to one of the best in my short life
Looking forward for the next meeting and i rly hope that i can participate again.
Thanks again to Failure who was responsible for everything (since it was his idea) and did a great job with all the planning stuff even if it was getting hectically once in a while . Thanks to everybody else who took part and especially to my bro (eagle)racer who came right across from the states to visit parts of his family and some buddy's around europe and even managed to insert a little detour to be part of the action down in spain .
i dont think that there is anything like that available because most tracks if not every single one needs special or optimised settings suchs as transmission/ gearing or the tires (caster, camber, pressure etc) (just to name the most important settings + from my POV the hole setup needs to be adjusted at a certain point). For example, for tracks with more right then left handed corners it is a common step to add more camber on the right tires, either just front or rear axis which mostly depends on the type of drive (FWD, RWD, (4)AWD). I suggest you put this site into your favorites and everytime you enter a new combo just check this site for available setups or if theres no setup for this combo try a setup for another layout. Those are of course hotlap setups so you have to adjust them in most cases, such as changing either the tire pressure or the tire class (slicks, mostly from R2 to R3 (or from R1 to R2 at the FOX)) or both together. In most cases you have to add pressure because it will prevent, depending on your corner & braking behaviour that the temprature goes above the optimum level (red). Dont forget to have a look at the downforce since many drivers tend to use some under- or oversteer.
so much for now, hope it was a bit helpful. And just in case you get a setup youre asking for, i promise you that you definitely will have disadvantages with it.
Do not expect a serious discussion about the oval in here. I know that many people are indeed absolutely capable for that but as a matter of fact, there are also many amongst us that are unable to step into such discussions without using absurd, scoffing or despising comments/ comparisons. I think i stepped into this trap many times now and i tell you what, by now i really enjoy how people show their real attitudes in such threads and some dont even recognize how pathetic they are I know its hard but try (as hard as you can) to ignore them ok
I dont know whats so difficult on a discussion about the matter of taste, either you like it or you dont, period(.)