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Welcome BBT!!
It is great to have a new team member
I am looking forward to chatting with you soon.
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :I don't agree with that. The tracks need to look more used, we need more detailed tarmac textures etc. Currently the tracks look like they've been built last week. I've never liked Blackwood, maybe it's just the boring track profile but it feels too much of a fantasy track to me. Same thing to Fern Bay. On the other hand Kyoto GP and Aston GP are just perfect.

I think credits for the smooth gfx engine should be given to Scawen, he has coded the engine. Eric is just the texture/model artist? In my opinion LFS doesn't look anything that special (even when compared to other sims - mostly rFac and GTL) but FSAA/AF and the smoothness compensates MUCH. Some games just needs FSAA/AF to look great. I have almost 3-year-old computer and I'm still running LFS with 4xFSAA/4xAF.

That is because the textures are somewhat limited to help with frame rates (I think). At least the textures do vary, and they are not pristine smooth and there are cracks. That was my point. Plus, Fern Bay feels like a little private track where club races are run, it is all the ambiance that Eric creates. It is very cool.

Sure, Scawen did the engine, but that does not mean you can go crazy with the track design. The more polygons, the bigger and more varied the textures, the slower things will get. It takes a true artist to make realistic environments with a limited tool pallet and still have them come out looking and performing great.
S3 licensed
And its got sharp little teeth...
S3 licensed
What I like is that the tracks have such different looks to them. It really makes you feel like you are at different locations for different race.

Plus, everything is not begining oil painting 101 perfect. In other words, it looks like the real world. No over saturation and the track is the main focus.

Plus, he puts in some of those EVIL details like ripples in the track where one portion joins another that makes it even more difficult to get the power down.
S3 licensed
Quote from ebola :your a fool

S3 licensed
A couple of points

1) You are not nearly as good a driver as you think you are. After you take some performance driving schools with real instructors, then maybe you can say you are getting to be good. Just because you think you are good because you drive more recklessly than everybody else only proves that you have no common sense, it does not prove that you are a good driver.

2) No matter how good you are, no matter how much you pay attention, there are cases where you will never be good enough to avoid. You are NOT in control of everybody else on the road, you CAN'T see through buildings and see that other car about to pull out, you CAN'T predict what those other idiots on the road are going to do. They only reason that you think this way is it has not caught up with you yet. But it will. Don't be stupid. The street is no place to race. It is no place to find out what the limits of your skill and your car really are.

Join the SCCA or a car club. Go to driving schools, track days, auto cross, and maybe even club racing if you really have the need. Then you will find out just how good your really are. If you live long enough, you will feel really stupid and realize you were lucky to stay alive doing what you are doing now and thinking what you are thinking now.

Grow up before you lose the chance to grow up.
S3 licensed
And I can see what circle you tend towards.
You cannot see all the code like it were a model that you hold in your hands and spin around looking at it from every angle. The world is more monstrously complex than you can ever imagine... trying to code the real world is every bit as complex, if not more in some ways, than the real world. Bugs are going to happen, whether it is some open source project, or a private effort. With technology where we have it today, there is no way to avoid it and no simple and quick way of fixing them (every time, there are exceptions).
You can't have it both ways. It is the point I was trying to make before. If you throw a bunch of people and money at the problem, then you have to have either a very expensive product, or one that appeals to a whole lot of people. Very, very few people are going to pay thousands of dollars for a racing simulator, even if it is 10x as good as LFS. So, bigger companies will make products like NFSU, ones that appeals to more people, but sure misses the mark for race sim enthusiasts like us.
S3 licensed
I am a product manager and I manage multiple, complex software products. Many times, just adding more engineers does NOT improve speed or efficiency. It would take many good engineers months if not half a year to come up to speed on Scawen's code. Then, Scawen would have to spend a portion of his time just managing what the other engineer was doing. It is a bit of a vicious circle. (Not to mention the overhead, admin requirements, and extended legal requirements of having non-principal employees)

Secondly, working faster and putting out patches on random bugs quickly is a sure way to turn a product into a total cluge (hacked together messy code). He typically release a patch that fixes several things, then we go through some quick rounds of revisions putting the finishing touches on those areas. Then he moves on to other areas. It seems very organized and efficient to me.

The aero bug has only been around since the release of S2 Alpha, because that was when aero was introduced. It does detract from play to a degree, but it does not crash the system, and it affects everybody equally. Although it needs to be fixed, it is not as urgent as you seem to think that it is. Plus, I think it only really affects the two formula cars. If it really bothers you, drive the LRF cars.
S3 licensed
From the NASSA team to our main NASSA man, our hearts are with you brother.
Let us know if there is anything we can do.
S3 licensed
I don't know if LFS will ever be huge here like it is in Europe. I can hope for it, but I doubt it. Road racing is just not the high percentage spectator sport here as it is in other places. Without an interest in racing, the chances of a high percentage of the potential market buying LFS is slim.
But, who knows. Road racing IS getting more popular here. We certainly have a lot of room to grow
S3 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :No. Online transaltors sucks, they have no idea of context and different meaning of words in other languages. That's why you always get stupid grammatical constructions and stupid words.

Oh for goodness sake, it was a joke.:cry: Of course online translators are terrible, but they generally work better if the original text is straight-forward.
It was also an oblique reference to so many native English speaking people on any forum in the world who do such a wonderful job of butchering their own language.
S3 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :motivation or not wats the purpose of developing a sim that noone would play anymore because the needs of the many wern't fed? (talking of tracks, general improvements...)

That is an invalid assertion. If you focus on taking care of the needs of the many (in this case people that want to play flashy games), then by definition you alienate the needs of the few (in this case pure race simmers). You can succeed very nicely by focusing on a niche market with a product specifically designed for that market. If that is not what you want, then get NFSU on your 360 and have a nice life (might I also suggest the Google toolbar... it has a nice spell checker built in).

I agree that in the future, we will probably see more specialization in computers down to the point that you have a game/sim machine and that is what you use for LFS.

AJS "I don´t think its bad to set a standard for mass production. What would it be like when they would build cars with a billion different not always compatible parts to choose from ? No one would buy them probably." ... Uh, that is what already happens...

There already are standards, DX9, Win XP, IBM processors...
The 360 is just another "standard". Recoding for different targets can be a real challenging task. I would prefer the devs keep on with what they are doing for now. Maybe sometime in the future will be the right time to switch.
S3 licensed
Quote from BrainBT :your translation engine sux illepall

Maybe not. Maybe he just can't write in his native language in the first place...
S3 licensed
The point of having real tracks is obvious... you get to race on the same tracks as the ones you go to in the real world. Plus, if you ever do get to track your real car, you could practice first (get to know the track anyway). It won't make the racing any better or worse, that is definitely true.
I miss having them, but would not sacrifice the quality of the tracks we have now for more "real" tracks.
This is dreaming for sometime way in the future, but there are a lot of tracks that get used for regional SCCA events here in the US. It would be cool to have an SCCA module with a bunch of those tracks plus some of the car models used by the SCCA. (Please don't get me wrong, I am very satisfied with what we have now. )

Of course this has been discussed many times in the past. The dev's are on the right path now and these discussions are not going to change that anytime soon.
S3 licensed
Quote from RMachucaA :yeah, tweak is uncatchable, i can vouch for that, i spent days trying to outqualify him with no avail, sucks when he's in your league, no hope :P.

Jeez, look who's talking...
I am nowhere near either of you and I have a lot of experience. Never, ever race Tweak on FE Black in the LX6 illepall
We need to get some LRF races going with you guys on the NASSA server
S3 licensed
Quote from B2B@300 :That is why I also don’t object to some “aids” in sims that make allowances for things which just can’t be replicated because of technology and financial restraints.

I agree completely with this. I know that there are some people who don't want anything that you would not see in a real car, but I feel that some of these "extra's" are necessary. The purity of the racing experience is not ruined.
Mr. Rodgers... no, I was not suggesting that, although it would be cool
The sims I have flown all have complete cockpits, with the actual instruments and controls from the real aircraft and all were full motion. This adds to the immersion, but it still ain't the same as the real thing. My point was that because of these differences and limitations, it is very, very hard to compare a sim to real life even for an experienced person.
S3 licensed
Even if you had an experienced racer drive LFS, or any simulator, they are not going to be able to definitively tell you that LFS "feels real". They could tell you the parts that don't feel real, and they might be able to give some pointers on how to make certain aspects better, but they are not going to be able to say, "Yes, this is exactly like driving a real race car". The simple reason is that there is just too much difference between being in a real car and driving a computer in an air conditioned room. Sensory input is severely diminished, smells are missing, no real vibration, sound, heat, fear... it's all lacking. There is nothing anybody can really do about that with today's technology.
So, a real race car driver would be a benefit to the devs, but they would not be the "end all" answer for making a realistic sim.
I have flown some of the best aircraft simulators in the world. And although they do a good job of modeling the behaviour of a particular aircraft, they still fall short of flying exactly the same. For example, one airplane that I flew had a nasty tendency to drop a wing when in a stall if you were not in perfect trim (25,000lb airplane going into a spin... not fun). The simulator never did a good job of modeling this. It stalled and mushed forward.
I have flown MS Flight Sim quite a bit, and although it is very, very good, I still could not tell you that it perfectly models the physics.
S3 licensed
Getting the 3D model out of LFS has already been done...
But $24,000 for the 3D printer???? I think that will be a bit tough to fit into the budget.
S3 licensed
I would be interested in participating. Sound like fun. I like both the LX cars quite a bit.
For the league, if enough interest were generated, you could even have a dual class race structure. Both the LX6 and LX4 racing at the same time with an overall winner and class winners. It would also make the racing more interesting because everybody has to deal with passing/getting passed just like in ALMS. Could you imagine 10 LX6's and 10 LX4's racing on AS Club at the same time
S3 licensed
Go to the old RSC forums and look for the hardware forum section. There is a list of "top end" component manufacturers there. Ball Racing, ECCI (best pedals IMO), Thomas controls, etc. These are the expensive ones. None offer force feedback. Ball is starting to ship theirs with FF, but unless you have $1500US laying around unused, you better skip that option.
The best bang for the buck is probably the DFP from Logitch.
S3 licensed
When your significant other is offering you gratuitous sexual favors, and you say "I want to see if there is a good race going first..."
S3 licensed
Did you set the shift type to H type? Or is it still sequential. It must be set to H type.
S3 licensed
I do it the way Tweak mentions with my DFP set to 720°.

I do think the ability to do this seems a bit odd. To me, it seems like it is related to the tire grip issues that have been discussed so often. It just does not seem right that I can get the tires to break loose like that at reletively slow speeds, and keep them sliding for so long.
S3 licensed
Quote from poirqc :LFS settings
FieldOView between 85-95 degree (where's the freakin degree key!)

ALT+248 on the num pad=°
These settings are very personal... each driver likes it different. If you have a DFP, these would NOT be the settings to use at all. It is nice to see what other people use though
S3 licensed
Quote from marsden1002 :Hi,

I have recently put in a Audigy 2 ZS sound card. Since this, the computer will freeze, half the screen will go black.

Also, sometimes when it freezes, it can take me up to 10X to turn it off and press the restart button before it will even begin to boot (read drives in bios)

Could the soundcard be the probem or could it be dodgey drivers or virus??



Remove the sound card including drivers. See if the problem goes away.