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S2 licensed
Yup the dorsal part is going to be a PITA, but looking very nice so far
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :It says speed, not live for RACE.

Well, you need speed in order to race. Furthermore, it actually says Live for Speed online RACING simulator.

Quote :
And if so, shut down the following :

Drag strip = gone

I never drag but it IS a form of racing, with speed being the determining factor. Furthermore the drag strip can be used to test the acceleration of a racing setup.

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Skid pad, car park, etc.

Well, the skid pad is meant to assist in tuning setups which you use to race.

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Cruise servers - Gone.

Can't argue with that.

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All rallycross tracks - Gone.

In rally "drifting" is a needed RACING technique to be fast and win races. So there's a big difference with drifting on tarmac where it just slows you down.
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from HellBoy99 :
IF you want it exactly like an XRT, use CMX viewer.

Why? You make it sound like it's not possible to render an XRT without added bodykits
S2 licensed
it's been an hour since you requested, how about being a little patient?
S2 licensed
LFS doesn't use/need any serial number.
S2 licensed
Did another, bit better this time. Too bad the skin is low-res.
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :Huge post

A good example of how to bring across what you like and don´t like about the patch, in a constructive and civilised manner. My compliments, people should take this as an example instead of just getting angry and demanding things back/changed.
S2 licensed
First render I did in a looong time (a HD crash destroyed all my scenes some time ago ) It's got disturbing artifacts, don't know why. Going to have to get myself into it again.
S2 licensed
double click the .exe, a dialog window will come up asking you to point to your LFS directory. Do that and press ok, when asked to overwrite files choose yes to all. Done
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :You have an egg, you peel it and find that it is chocolate inside, sweet, you like it.

Next day you get new egg, you peel it but it is real egg, yuck, not sweet at all.

But isn't real egg still better for you than chocolate egg, even it may not be as sweet right away

That's profound dude

omg, I said dude
S2 licensed
Quote from Venus :
Am I angry? You bet.

Getting angry over a patch. Maybe you should go out more.

Quote :I bought this product, and have been practising for months and months and months to finally get close to WR, and now just when I do, you step in, and negate all that effort

The WR's will be reset anyway

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it seems your bent on ruining it!

Yes, Scawen's goal has become to ruin his own work... And he's doing that with the sole purpose of pissing you off.

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If you've got a super-realism kick, fine then don't inflict us with it.

He can do whatever the hell he wants to do with it. It's his creation.
And you bought it knowing that:

Quote from LFS License Agreement :1.4You must be aware that we can alter any aspect of LFS as we see fit. Improvements, fixes and/or changes made to the game, are to be expected.

If you feel inflicted by it, tough.

Get over yourself. Seriously.
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Well that's it, discussions with BMW Motorsport went ahead and they allowed us to build the Formula BMW. It helps LFS because of the improvement to the demo, and it helps BMW Motorsport due to that bit more publicity for the Formula. Fortec (where V1 is based) gave us access to see the real thing and even drive it, as you know.

I'm just curious to know how do the Avon and Bridgestone track adverts and tyre brand choices fit into this story? Or is that a separate unrelated thing? Is there any further connection with them like the providing of data which could be of advantage to LFS or did they just don't mind the use of their brands in LFS?
Last edited by joen, . Reason : spelling
S2 licensed
Quote from SchneeFee :why are digital speedos unrealistic? The map is still there!

Pointing out something else being unrealistic too doesn't make the feature in question any more realistic.
S2 licensed
Quote from schwantz34 :lolz

What´s funny?
You´re making a lot of useless posts, think about cutting it down a little bit.
S2 licensed
Quote from catchup_ff :My first attempt on FBM, 2048x2048 in pixel: ... y=emztgjjwj1g&thumb=4

It seems that you need to click the "Download Original Image" link at the top right corner to get the jpg file?

Public skin, enjoy

Really nice job, looks very clean. I like that one a lot
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Don't be so hostile to demo racers, they will one day be licensed racers if they just have possibility and need for it.

Also check country he is from and then do quick Google about economy, that can perhaps put things bit better perspective.

He has a computer he has an internet connection, it can´t be that bad. Yes I know the computer could have been given.
It´s not about hostility. It´s about keeping it in perspective and realising you´re getting it for free.
And checking each person´s nationality and looking up the economic status of his country is really taking it too far. And besides it doesn´t really say anything about the person in question. There´s rich people in poor countries and there are poor people in rich countries.
S2 licensed
Well, I do think it can offer good help to new players, and even more experienced players, I feel it should be available in singleplayer only (or is it? haven´t tested it out)
S2 licensed
Quote from UruNico2641 :I'm a bit devastated... The game looks amazing now.. but they removed one of the most used cars in LFS history.. the XRT...

I seriously would consider putting it back, even if it means we can't have the FB02....

Over a thousand users have tried LFS, and more than half have returned from time to time, some come everyday..

The XRT is one of the most iconic cars in LFS, I'd say put it back! Please.

As for the course, brilliant, but many people are already upset and aren't willing to use the New patch IF it does come without the XRT...

Its a sacrifice I'm willing to not pay... I'd keep the XRT than the FB02... honestly...

GREAT Improvements, and I'm glad its only a test...

Please think about it.. PLease!

S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :The point is now we have four single seaters that (mostly):
1. Look the same
2. Drive the same
3. Are different in only how much power they have

Now of course it's true that FO8 (best of the bunch, in my opinion) is different from FOX - but you can't argue that differences between XRT, RB4 or FZ5 are very much more interesting.

Well apart from not agreeing on all three aspects (I don't really think any explainination is needed. The MRT looks very different from the FOX and the FOX looks very different from the BF1), it still doesn't hold anything against the statement that LFS has too many singleseaters. He didn't say anything about driving characteristics or looks, he just said there are too many and then period. Which is a stupid statement. After all, LFS could have a Formula Ford for instance which has no downforce (neither does the MRT btw) yet it is a singleseater.
And well yeah, it's kind of hard (and ridiculous) to make a front engined singleseater car, so that argument is kind of easy. Oh, and the BF1 doesn't have slicks btw.
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DeMS :[offtopic]
huge post

Definitely agree. There's a lot more to gain on the short (and long) run just by refining what we currently have. Remember that some of the cars and tracks in LFS are still basically the same as in the S1 days. Which is already about 5 years ago. Over those years people have getting better PC's, and Eric's skills have improved. Just take a look at how nice the FB02 looks compared to the older cars. Some of the cars could really use a couple of more polygons without having a big impact on the performance. The UF1 being the best example. That one just really isn't a good representation of Eric's work anymore.
The level of track detail is pretty much perfect now, it has a good balance. Some errors could be corrected though and LFS definitely needs better shadows, Kyoto being the worst.
The recent improvements of SO and BL are good examples of how refining the current content just works wonders.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :There are too many formulas in LFS right now and I don't see it is good for the consistence of the servers and the community.

Total ammount of cars in LFS: 20
Total amount of singleseaters in LFS: 5

What's your point again?
Also, I didn't get the memo in which you were appointed an authority in this. Having an opinion is fine, presenting it as a fact is not.

I wouldn't mind even more singleseaters, a 70's/80's F1 would be incredible.

Quote :
I also believe that slower cars give closer races, with less accidents, less stress and more fun.

Well, that's your opinion and preference and nobody is stopping you from choosing your own favourite car. How about granting other people that same choice?

There can never be too many of whatever type of car in LFS. People will choose for themselves what they drive.

Quote :
Again, of course it is just my opinion, but I won't see any problem forgeting the FOX.

Good for you, but I would.

The idea of removing any car from LFS is utter stupidity bordering on insanity.

Quote :(BTW, it is time to start having some real-life tracks too )

Show me the mooonneeeyyyyy!!111
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Vivanc0 :
xrg is still good enough to drift

So, what's the problem?
Quote :So its stupid to delete the xrt and replace it with fbm

No it´s not. It gives a much better impression of LFS now. And that is what the demo is meant for, a demonstration.
The LFS demo isn´t made to keep people happy that use the game for free.
Last edited by joen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dyllaann :I'm not a demo drifter, it wont affect me, but, since you added the FBM and removed the XRT, it's going to drive away demo drifters. They will get mad and not want to play anymore. Well, just my opinion anyway!

Good riddance. A lot of them would play the demo untill the end of days, so I don´t see what the big loss would be. Those who truly want to keep playing will buy a license.
Besides anyone getting mad because of something they get for free is silly.
Also, there are still other cars to drift with.

Quote :
EDIT: My point is, lfs will soon not be that popular, no one will buy it, and everyone will be driven away...

I think you´re being dramatic. Serious races will still find their way to LFS, and now with a different type of racing being presented in the demo, it gives a much better impression of LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from OneTinSoldier :In fact, I feel that saying this idea is 'silly' is like saying that this sim should never ever have a Career Mode and should only have Arcade Mode!!! To me that seems pretty silly.

I didn't say that. I said that I think a career mode is a bad idea. Your logic escapes me, because I didn't say LFS should have an arcade mode only. I don't know where you got that idea.

LFS is an online racing simulator, not a real life simulator. Otherwise we could start simulating engine revision, cleaning the pitbox, arranging catering for the team, etc. Yes I am stretching.
S2 licensed
Someone is being a bit oversensitive and "edgy".