It's not about being positive or negative, it's about being fair to someone. I hope you are right and can show us a licensed username by the end of the weekend... Let's see who's man enough to apologize (I'm guessing a lot of them actually, because they really are a friendly bunch most of the time).
That proofs he has a cracked LFS S2Q on his PC, yet not whether or not he owns a license or not...
You assume that he has internet at home because he posted an image... I can post images from anywhere in the world, since I can make the shot on my PC, put it on a memstick, and upload it on any USB PC I can access that has internet.
Secondly, if you crack LFS, you select any username you want, and this doesn't necessarily have to be the one you registered on the site with.
It IS possible to have a legitimately registered LFS license... It is however not possible to unlock S2 without an internet connection. So you'd have to use a crack to play it anyway. See, registering, and unlocking, are 2 very different things.
If I liked the handling of S2, and wanted to buy the game so I could practice offline, until my stupid provider would hook me up to the internet... What do you think I would do? Order a license at work, download the game, burn it on CD, install it at my internetless PC at home, AND CRACK IT. Just so I could play it and get used to it before I get online. That's the only flaw in the dev's system of protecting this game.
I would love it if the devs would find a way to make owning a license public. Like having people log on to the forum if they can before obtaining an online username, just so they can delete that account or convert it to the online username on the forum so the 2 databases are always consistent.
I admit the whole thing is kinda dodgy, yes. But I'm not convinced he's a pirate.
No, it doesn't... And please quit asking for bans in the open... Use PM's, that's what they're for.
That's IF they are using a good system for those 2 motors... Otherwise there will be more noise...
I doubt that though, because one of the devs on wingmanteam said the only really annoying thing with the DFP was the noise it made when turning at anything but granny speed.
What did you expect they would do? Sit back, relax, and let Ferrari keep their "unfair advantage"?
One thing Ferrari seems really good at is reading the rules very carefully, and keeping themselves really close to the letter of the law. I have to admit that I kind of admire them for it. Then again, they seem to have a thing for taking it just that small step too far every now and then and making their tactics a bit over obvious, and then it bites them in the rear end.
So, should I talk to you about helping me and my team to get Logitech to become a true sponsor (like other companies have) and giving our members these things for free, or have you just sued them for selling you a crappy DFP?
Tweak, yes, you are doing a good job in the community, indeed. And I applaud your efforts. What bugs me is the instant flaming by a lot of people on the matter of cracks being used. It's like someone spots a possible cracker, calls all his buddies and all hell breaks loose.
I'm all for banning people that are proven guilty of using a crack (like your example)... I just ask for a little more discretion in labeling someone cracker.
In this thread (and a lot more threads before this one), there seems to be no wish to get these 'crackers' to buy the game. It's just another excuse to vent frustrations it seems... And it bothers me that someone who is probably not even aware that he is using the program in an illegal fashion does not get A) a fair chance to proof his license, B) friendly help in obtaining a legit version when he is proven 'guilty'...
Instead people seem to jump on every little indiscrepancy in a noobs story...
People crack the game, live with it already... There are friendlier ways of getting rid of them, and they do not involve flaming possibly innocent newbies.
That was the point I tried to make.
Again, nothing against catching crackers... It's the way the community seems to go about it that bothers me.
I wish everyone would stop effing flaming every kid that comes in here with demo racer under his name asking questions about something that only a licensed unlocked copy has...
In the past 3 weeks, there have been no less than 5 (!!!!!!!) false accusations of people that actually DID HAVE A LICENSE...
Lynchmobs are illegal in almost every country in the world, and yet you all behave exactly the same... Shoot first, ask questions later... Maybe if you had talked to the guy before you started flaming him and asking for a ban, he would still like this community... Now, I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up on LFS alltogether, internet or not. And the last thing we need in LFS is a community that scares potential buyers away.
You guys are in serious need of some mental help... You're not doing this community a favor this way, at all... If you suspect someone of using a cracked version, just like you suspect someone of robbing a bank, call the authorities... In this case, report it to the devs or a mod, but stop acting like some sort of renegade death squad.
I have no idea if he actually has a license, but it may seem like he does... I will not respond to questions he asks, until there is proof either way (in which case he'll be banned, or will have S2 licensed under his name).
This post is not aimed at anyone in particular, but to the community as a whole. I still love you all, I really do. It just got the better of me for a minute there... No hard feelings, k?
General rule of thumb for all things electrically powered:
The colder it gets, the less resistance the current will get, the faster the operations can perform.
So, looking at your pictures, I'd say, dump all the fans (who needs airflow?) and stick in some liquid cooling with peltier elements for the videocard, and a phasechange deepfreeze for the CPU... That should get it to about -15 celcius and able to overclock a lot further... Oh, when you do that, make sure you insulate the whole part you place a coolblock on, or it will get wet from condensation and fry. Also, the hottest part of your PC will be the RAM, so you might want to consider cooling that a bit too (passive liquid blocks would do the trick), and make sure the PSU is OUTSIDE the case (as that thing will always blow hot air into your case, heating up the "apparently-not-so-useless" ICs on your MB.
Well, judging from the images that I saw (and are now indeed included in the first post) I'd say the pedals are:
1) pretty close together, but clutch and brake far enough apart to not get your feet tangled up...
2) Dampened with actual dampers instead of springs, and quite probably adjustable in position too since the dampers seem to be outside of the casing, and directly beneath the pedals.
I'll have a serious go on testing this one out first chance I get.
PSU, since you have a working PC while typing that message, that's the one thing you won't need to buy to test. Just take out yours and hotwire it in the other PC (don't properly install it, just hook up the cables).
When it pops up, it usually tells you what it's trying to install...
If it doesn't there's gonna be a question asking you to select one from several options... Just select "do not try to locate, I will locate it myself" option, and run through the selection window... Then when it can't install the hardware (since you have no proper drivers) there's the option to select "Don't let the add hardware wizard try to install this hardware again". *poof* it stops finding it.
Dude, you're dutch... Last time I checked it was perfectly legal here to lock your mom away in a closet for a couple of hours to get her off your back while racing... Make sure she has some food and drink, though... Otherwise it's child abuse (abuse BY a child, mind you).
No, LFS was being used for the german intel racing tour... or something like that... They just use rF to let people have some fun driving a F1 car a bit... LFS is used for a serious competition (with a BMW as a grand prize)... I'd say they think LFS is still a bit more suited for actual racing.
They should stick an extra row of programmable leds on the wheel, and possibly a 3 or 4 row programmable LCD display... Just so Kegetys can keep busy for us.
In fact, I think that's one of the first things I'd do... Mod an LCD on this thing.
Hence the big Napster lawsuit... Hence the taking down of several dozens of torrent sites around europe... Being an internet relay may very well be a crime... In the case of torrent sites, the actual data is not even on the server, it is merely a link to a file containing hashcodes. LFSW is not a relay, simply because the content is monitored. A relay means content is not stored but only relayed to its final destination. LFSW is storing the content long-term.
The point of origin of that collection of mp3s you have on your M3U list is some bloke who got hold of the CDs... That didn't make you any less of a criminal for downloading them in the UK... (I love being dutch)
(being totally unrealistic, but in theory I could package a file into a jpeg of 512x512, that would be untouched by LFSW, which could then be downloaded by a friend of mine on a private server. He could then recreate the original file, and LFSW would in fact become a filesharing hub)
Yes, and no... Yes, if history proved you right in your statements above... Unfortunately, they haven't, so there's really no argument. Precedent dictates that the downloader is at least partly responsible for the content on his/her PC. In almost every country that every had an internet lawsuit.
That would make for some really weird positions on the rear wing...
All jokes aside... Without getting into the legal issues with tobacco advertisements, here's what the devs say on the upload page:
Now for the moral part... You'd ban tobacco advertisement, but wouldn't mind the devs having huge FOSTER'S/McDonald's/Domino's/Martini billboards around the tracks?
Edit: Reading the devs' statement again I wonder if an image of the prophet muhammed would be considered offensive, while an image of jesus doing stuff with George W. wouldn't (I just watched that southpark episode again, yes) :P
Missing the point though, they're not receiving illegal images, they're providing illegal images, which could be illegal in the country the server is hosted.
The internet is not a nation or souvereign country. It is, in effect, bound by the laws of the country in which the nodes reside. For example... It is perfectly legal to download copyrighted movies or music in my country... It is illegal to provide access to copyrighted movies or music in my country. So, I can download, but cannot upload. If I, however, go off shore into international waters, and create an island and declare that a country, and have laws allowing the uploading and downloading of these files. I could, basically, install a server there that downloads every file ever put on the p2p networks legally, and then upload those to my home computer in Holland legally... Nothing wrong with that, and I'm not breaking any laws. In fact, someone did something like that just to bypass country laws (bought up an oil rig in international waters).
Actually that's kind of how I got into LFS...
While waiting on RL (anyone remember?) forums, someone spotted LFS, which got me curious... Then more and more people pressured me into trying it... Which I did, and I've been hooked ever since.
You are not allowed to overtake when under a yellow flag, not even if you're lapping another car... So the yellow should be visible and the blue should be halted when the yellow is out.
Secondly, the blue flag serves as a warning to a driver that a faster car is behind him and he should let him pass without problems... It is up to the backmarker to choose when and where to do that. The blue flag does not mean "get the heck away from the line now!", but merely means "look in your mirror and watch for a faster car wanting to pass you". Also, being shown a blue flag does not give the faster car the right to pass anywhere he/she would like... It is the right of the backmarker to choose the spot (within reason) and the leader should wait for this moment. Normally, when a car is within overtaking distance (that is, being slowed down because of you being in front of him) you have 3 marshall stalls (flag positions) to let him pass. It usually only takes 1, or 2 at the most to find a good spot.