Is this another scapegoat knee jerk thread? I've been to a lot of countries, and it's the same everywhere.. there's always a foreigner that's responsible for this or that woe.
Some farmer in some middle of nowhere countryside blaming his grandma's life threatening diarrhea on Bush, or Global Warming, or whatever.
Politicians in the US are corrupt, and how is this different from pretty much anywhere else in the world? The Democrats are as crooked as the Republicans, so while Bush is definitely on his way out, with all but a nice size 12 boot print on his dumb ass, there's little chance that his replacement will be any better... It will be someone with different qualities and shortcomings, but overall as deserving of praise as pretty much any politician in D.C.
Guns were a daily practice up until recently, in the US, as High Schools regularly kept a rifling practice. "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Every other amendment in the US Constitution hinges upon the second. Take it away, and that big US government you so fear will be multiple times as unrestricted in its erosion of civil rights and liberties.. The US will become a nanny state just like most, if not all other, countries, because people will have given up ruling by their own will, selling their free will to some machine that "knows what's best for you".