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S2 licensed
No kidding.. the Mexican border holds no one out, nearly everyone in, except for the Mexican military, which gets to trespass and shoot at Americans, pretty much daily.
Illegal immigrants are not deported. The police will sooner arrest you for riding without a helmet, than notice the illegal passed out on the street, beer in one hand and a patch of fresh pee on the nearest wall.
Laws in place to deal with illegal immigration are not enforced, and as far back as the 60s-70s, politicians have had illegals show up to voting booths with fake IDs provided.

It would be simple to just apply the existing laws that would jail or otherwise severly penalize hiring illegals. It would give illegal immigrants no reason to immigrate, and would allow for a legal system to be put in place to employ necessary labor legaly, as opposed to having the parasites leeching away.. But Republicans like the cheap labor, and Liberals the cheap votes.. and the Mexican govt. the money sent back home. It even prints guides to succesful illegal immigration into the US.

And that's just one of the things worth as much attention as Iraq has gotten.
S2 licensed
Yes Keichi, that's the intent.. to have a more balanced class, with those tweaked demo cars being a bit easier to drive near their limit.
S2 licensed
Is this another scapegoat knee jerk thread? I've been to a lot of countries, and it's the same everywhere.. there's always a foreigner that's responsible for this or that woe.
Some farmer in some middle of nowhere countryside blaming his grandma's life threatening diarrhea on Bush, or Global Warming, or whatever.

Politicians in the US are corrupt, and how is this different from pretty much anywhere else in the world? The Democrats are as crooked as the Republicans, so while Bush is definitely on his way out, with all but a nice size 12 boot print on his dumb ass, there's little chance that his replacement will be any better... It will be someone with different qualities and shortcomings, but overall as deserving of praise as pretty much any politician in D.C.

Guns were a daily practice up until recently, in the US, as High Schools regularly kept a rifling practice. "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Every other amendment in the US Constitution hinges upon the second. Take it away, and that big US government you so fear will be multiple times as unrestricted in its erosion of civil rights and liberties.. The US will become a nanny state just like most, if not all other, countries, because people will have given up ruling by their own will, selling their free will to some machine that "knows what's best for you".
S2 licensed
A part of it is, Leifde.
S2 licensed
Another armchair general .. Two days late, tho.
S2 licensed
RacerY, the region has been a crapfest for centuries. Bin Laden was the right target, not Saddam, or his oil fields - regardless of how much better off Iraq might be without him.
The media reports on Iraq are biased, so that effectively makes it all a big mess, that no one can take second hand news reports from without a pound of salt.

The US world police after the cold war? Well, ok, why don't you move to an alternate commie universe? LOL Enjoy that..
Dropping two nukes in anger? Someone got army general stars for their birthday..

The UK needs to play Iran's BS game and get the sailors out.. "sign of weakness" or not, and then sock any future Iranian territorial trespass with no warning.
The region is a crapfest and ought to be left on its own to sort its crap out.. and if it wigs out like europe did 70 years ago, we know who will be asked for their help..
S2 licensed
You don't need to race online to understand how leagues work, what their shortcomings are, and how they could be improved.

I've done a tweak that puts the demo cars at the LRF level of performance, effectively making a 6-car class.
It would make for some fun racing, since those tweaked cars are less difficult to drive on the edge, but the only way to release the mod is for someone to integrate my mod tools into LFSTweak.. which no one has volunteered to do yet.
S2 licensed
Physics, synthetic sounds: more immersive on their own than many big bucks eye candy "sims".
Gameplay, netcode, simplicity of use.. You never have to fumble for what you want.

The best Design is the one that nothing more can be substracted from, LFS is it for me.
The only thing that I suppose could outdo it at this point, is the West Bro's sim going gold unanounced.
Sports commentating, as it should be
S2 licensed
I cried the first time I watched it:
I apologize if this is old...
S2 licensed
Correct me if I'm wrong, but bikes do not outbreak cars.
S2 licensed
When you feel ready, the first two weeks (starting the first time you go online) are free, including all subscriber features; except automatic skin downloading (15 user made skins per plane model). If you want to see the skins without triggering the two week trial, they are up for individual download on the official website, under "downloads".
Look me up if you ever do get online.. you can never have too many wingmen

I'd post a film of one of the best pilots the game ever got, with situational awareness, aerobatics, and gunnery all into one, but the file isn't hosted anymore, and it weighs about 250MB.. I'll try and find another good example of great furballing..

And there is also the free 8 player rooms, although I think those will also trigger your 2 week trial, that usually host player made maps.. the quality is pretty varied, but some of them really are very good. The most common games are free for all dogfighting.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Ajp, Aces High is made by devs who care for their costumer service at least as much as Scawen & co. If you mail, or even call them (they talk to just about anyone about anything completely openly, in my experience and everyone else's I've heard of) explaining your situation, they'll tell you what they can do to help you out.

I've subbed since 2000. What's your ingame (not login) ID?
I think, at worst, you'll have to give them a call, or email them each time you want your account reactivated. I started playing again after 2 years, and got my old account the day after I emailed about it.
The only thing you might gripe about is that each time you do this, your perk points reset, although I'm not sure if that'll be your case too.

If you need help with the learning curve, want to practice ACM or gunnery on a target, or just need answers to any questions, you can look me up and I'll help you out.
There's events organized a few times a week (with anything from 50 to 300+ participants), and you can usually find someone to practice with in the dueling or training arena.. there are also trainers you can schedule appointments with.

Another thing you should look up are the custom sounds. Some of them are very corny (as if bootlegged right off 1950s movies), but if you sort through all of them, you'll most likely find a combination that doesn't make you laugh too hard..

And don't take the egomaniacs too seriously. They can be quite vocal, but they're a tiny fractional percentage of the total player population.
And keep your volume knob within reach.. some of the players come through extremely squeaky on the radio
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Personally, they can kiss my arse, I'll give up my unrestricted bike--when they pry it from my cold, dead, hands, I'll ride the thing illegally if it came to it.

The truth doesn't matter to them.. Restricting something they don't use, much less understand, is what's important. Same crap, different country.
S2 licensed
The sheer buying power of all the lemmings who will pay to sit for 2 hours in a dark room with nothing to see but that movie will more than cover the Carreras' cost... Porsche 0, Hollyweird 5.
S2 licensed
A way to rotate the redline to 1 o'clock would help, too.
S2 licensed
skstibi, if you are trying to make split-spoke rims, you can "fake" them, for ex. like this:
S2 licensed
You don't.. think about it.
S2 licensed
Just have a simple/advanced button standing clearly visible on both simple and advanced versions.
S2 licensed
LOL I guess I dreamed the whole thing??
I remember specifically that I resented Polyphony for removing that graphic ever since GT2, and for playing around with the inclusion of tracks like the Route 11 Special city track, and Rome Night.
S2 licensed
Like I said, I don't remember what the engine output curve(s) were/was. That sketch is just a guess from about ten years ago.
I only remember I could scale each ratio to have X amount of power as early or late as wanted on maximum throttle, which was enough in GT.
S2 licensed
Bob, if I understand that graph right, it's too advanced for GT's physics.

Hyperactive, I mean that once I had the top speed ratio(s) set, I'd remember where in each corner I needed this or that much power, and would map the remaining gear ratios to the power curve to match my lines and throttle input through said corners. Being able to do all this with just that one graph is what I meant to point out as proof of its usefulness.
But what I remember doesn't matter. That graph that everyone agrees would be a useful addition to the setup menus is what matters, and it's in GT1.
So, all that's needed is for someone with the game to take a screenshot of it.

I guess it might have looked something like this:
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
To be honest, I don't remember what it was.. It did look a bit like that, but I'm pretty sure the ratios were straight lines, with the power curve(s) also displayed, with ground speed and RPM on the X axis.

I only remember looking at engine output curves, and matching the gear ratios to them.
I was racing longer-legged cars in one of the racing Impreza cars, and had to make the ratios as efficient as possible. Using that overlay, I could get the ratios to start and top out at just the right spots on the curve, as well as at the right ground speeds.
I could adjust the ratios both for the corners and for the straights, all in one display.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Quote :Anyone got any suggestions?

Hyperactive, do you think that an overlay of the gear ratios onto the power curves would be worth including?
This was very convienient in GranTurismo.. It made the gear ratios easier to accurately judge and modify.

The last time I asked this, if I remember correctly, someone said tractive effort curves were preferable.
S2 licensed
A gear ratio overlay on power curves?
S2 licensed
I too have made a Tweak class out of the Demo cars, that is made to compete with the LRF cars. 6 cars total.
I will release them when Redrum or anyone else adds the extra memory adresses used to LFSTweak..
The cars are a 1600cc AWD kit car, a Ferrari F430, and a Corvette Z06.
Last edited by Breizh, .